Elliot | 2022-01-01 18:32:03 UTC | #1 I'll share links here with low or no explanation. Why? * It lets people form (and say) their own opinions with less bias. * People here are interested in whatever I consider worth sharing. * My prior writing often already said my opinion. * Questions are fine. I’m just not going to **preemptively** explain everything. Other people, when sharing a link at this forum, should express an opinion or goal. Opinions include what you think is good or bad, or agree or disagree with. A goal can be a question you're trying to answer about the link, or any other *reason* you're sharing it (such as providing useful, relevant information in reply to someone, or providing footnote-like information with an inline link). I have an ongoing goal in this thread beyond sharing stuff: to provide opportunities for unbounded discussion, including criticism and feedback. **I recommend replying to lots of stuff with short comments**, particularly saying short opinions, questions and problems/disagreements. People didn't reply much in [last year's topic](https://discuss.criticalfallibilism.com/t/elliot-shares-links-2021/132) and I think they were wrong. When I was learning from DD, I would never have commented so little on stuff he shared. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-01 18:48:57 UTC | #2 https://criticalfallibilism.com/tutoring-videos/ I still have no meaningful feedback on why no one is willing to study these and do the practice activities. What are the problems? ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-01 20:03:08 UTC | #3 https://curi.us/2232-claiming-you-objectively-won-a-debate I like this idea. IME, no one (else) ever says why it's wrong or actually does it though. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-01 20:15:38 UTC | #4 https://www.tiktok.com/@mom.uncharted/video/7048059959249997061 As a male, it's not intuitive to me how much adults creep on teens. I didn't experience that because I'm not a non-ugly female. (Conventionally "ugly" females also get treated badly way more than men, but in different ways.) It's good to have some exposure to other common experiences in our culture. That's one of the reasons I've shared videos about harassment of women (I don't recall anyone asking why those matter, agreeing about it, or saying anything about the importance of those videos). ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-01 20:31:12 UTC | #5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgF3OX8nT0w Claims analog computing will have high value in the future despite its disadvantages. This may be relevant to CF's claim that binary/digital epistemology is superior to the analog epistemology of degrees of goodness of ideas. Part 1 is most explaining context and seems reasonable. There will be a part 2 video with more info about what analog computers some startups are currently working on and why. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-02 22:16:59 UTC | #6 https://www.tiktok.com/@dani.cant.see/video/7041657495940615470 7 part story about a manager enabling sexual harassment of an employee by a customer. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-03 20:54:32 UTC | #7 Those "pick-up artists" on Twitter are so bad. Decent critical commentary. It's similar to how Twitter "CritRats" give real Popperians a bad name. They contribute to e.g. lots of Objectivists or mainstream philosophers (like most people studying philosophy in university and their professors) not respecting Popper. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lh-fm2vl_0 ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-03 20:56:44 UTC | #8 https://www.tiktok.com/@ahormozi/video/7045818294099561774 Decent theory on one way most people's psychology is broken (and how to manipulate them). It intuitively struck me as objectionable and transparently manipulative, but I'm a bad test case, and I find it plausible that it would work well with many people. It's also interesting how the creator doesn't admit he's advocating manipulation. He presents it more like he's teaching effective communication. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-05 01:24:23 UTC | #9 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8EbXsDw/ I disagreed with Gates right away, but didn't expect such a decisive criticism. I don't have a full intuition for how bad that problem is. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-06 21:01:45 UTC | #10 https://www.learnobjectivism.com/atlas-shrugged-chapter-1 IIRC I've received no meaningful feedback on this. I think it's great work and important. I'm proud of it. ------------------------- lmf | 2022-01-08 09:07:20 UTC | #11 [quote="Elliot, post:10, topic:464, full:true"] [https://www.learnobjectivism.com/atlas-shrugged-chapter-1 ](https://www.learnobjectivism.com/atlas-shrugged-chapter-1) IIRC I’ve received no meaningful feedback on this. I think it’s great work and important. I’m proud of it. [/quote] FWIW I do plan to read this eventually, but it's pretty long so I haven't gotten around to it yet ------------------------- lmf | 2022-01-08 09:22:39 UTC | #12 [quote="Elliot, post:2, topic:464"] I still have no meaningful feedback on why no one is willing to study these and do the practice activities. What are the problems? [/quote] One problem might be that it seems like it would take a lot of work to find where in the 100+ hours of videos the "practice activities" can be found. Another issue is that---in contrast to written material---it would be a lot of work to find which parts of which videos are relevant to one's own problems. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-08 17:33:16 UTC | #13 [quote="lmf, post:12, topic:464"] One problem might be that it seems like it would take a lot of work to find where in the 100+ hours of videos the “practice activities” can be found. [/quote] Most videos have some activities that you could practice. > Another issue is that—in contrast to written material—it would be a lot of work to find which parts of which videos are relevant to one’s own problems. I think you'd have a hard time finding any irrelevant video. They are largely the same stuff I'd teach anyone else – CF stuff and some stuff related to common problems like motivation and procrastination. Did you try some and find that they were irrelevant? Do you skip much of my written material as irrelevant? I'd be curious what/why, especially if it's anything recent (last few years). ------------------------- lmf | 2022-01-09 00:29:31 UTC | #14 [quote="Elliot, post:13, topic:464"] Did you try some and find that they were irrelevant? [/quote] I think I listened to like 30 minutes of the very first Max tutoring video. You guys were talking about grammar, which is at the very bottom of my to-do list. I also already knew most the grammar stuff that you were discussing with him. A while ago I listened to the two YesNo philosophy ones. They were relevant, but I don't recall any talk of "practice activities." [quote="Elliot, post:13, topic:464"] Do you skip much of my written material as irrelevant? [/quote] No, I don't recall intentionally skipping CF/FI articles. Some of your forum posts aren't interesting to me, but I don't think that's what you are referring to. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-09 00:32:12 UTC | #15 [quote="lmf, post:14, topic:464"] Some of your forum posts aren’t interesting to me [/quote] What type(s)? ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-09 00:33:18 UTC | #16 [quote="lmf, post:14, topic:464"] I think I listened to like 30 minutes of the very first Max tutoring video. You guys were talking about grammar, which is at the very bottom of my to-do list. I also already knew most the grammar stuff that you were discussing with him. [/quote] I'm not sure if you recognize that you're disagreeing with me. ------------------------- lmf | 2022-01-09 01:25:19 UTC | #17 No, I don't recognize that. I can't see how what I said contradicts anything you said. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-09 01:31:07 UTC | #18 The reason I brought up and taught grammar *is because I think it's generically important and should be a priority for people interested in philosophy*. It's an intentional design decision and topic choice by me, which I would do with ~anyone. It was not a request or choice by the student, nor a customization to cover a weakness of theirs. If you already know parts of speech, clauses/phrases, sentence diagramming, and the material in Peikoff's grammar course, you could skip a few bits. But I think you'd still find some things you don't know in my grammar article. And I'd still think learning grammar trees is worthwhile (those are not standard knowledge that you would already know, though some grammarians already know them), and is a good way to build up to analyzing and making trees for texts. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-09 03:27:09 UTC | #19 https://www.elliottemple.com/essays/non-consumption-of-philosophy Was rereading this after it was linked today and I really like it. It can be dangerous for people with revolutionary, rationalist, anti-tradtionalist and arrogant tendencies though, who will infer from it a bunch of changes to their lives that I didn't actually say (and then either actually do stuff or feel bad about not doing it). ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-10 06:01:02 UTC | #20 https://www.tiktok.com/@taylorlorenz/video/7051359528771702062 People lie. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-28 21:18:23 UTC | #21 15 posts were split to a new topic: [TikToker Wearing Makeup](/t/tiktoker-wearing-makeup/498) ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-12 04:55:31 UTC | #22 https://www.tiktok.com/@daisyfoko/video/7052109322335341871 ppl are dumb and go affect real world stuff with their stupidity ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-12 20:47:04 UTC | #23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-yuZRE2evg Really good teaching/coaching stuff. Also the "critical moments" are similar to bottlenecks. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-13 20:22:10 UTC | #24 https://serpapi.com/blog/how-a-routine-gem-update-ended-up-charging/ ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-20 19:39:03 UTC | #25 https://www.tiktok.com/@sysengineer/video/7055361464948755759 Pushback on rationalism. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-20 23:45:21 UTC | #26 https://www.tiktok.com/@thedadchallenge/video/7055420285020884230 Pushback on parents exploiting their kids on social media. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-21 06:34:42 UTC | #28 https://www.tiktok.com/@thevondyfam/video/7054990131580718382 ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-22 04:46:05 UTC | #34 https://jonathanstark.com/daily/20220121-2218-success-story-from-reader-john-holcroft ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-22 21:12:57 UTC | #35 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR1LPA7iO0k Cheating and lying. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-23 05:06:20 UTC | #36 https://www.tiktok.com/@samaraphonic/video/7055447748321266991 internet copyright claims ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-23 05:22:56 UTC | #37 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOk9IBbIuYo attention to detail. practice, automatization and mastery. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-23 17:13:03 UTC | #38 https://www.tiktok.com/@sysengineer/video/7055741876552633647 One of the themes with these communication failures is that people can't or won't consider their audiences' context. The person reading this can't see their screen, doesn't know what app they're in, doesn't know what they're trying to do, etc. People leave out tons of information which is obvious from their point of view, but which the person they are communicating with would have no way to know. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-23 17:18:59 UTC | #39 https://jonathanstark.com/daily/20220123-1158-ditcherville-79---we-need-to-start-meeting-weekly I liked the first 7 panels but disliked the last 5. Sometimes conversations (whether by text or voice) feel like people wanting me to read my articles to them. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-28 21:16:33 UTC | #40 10 posts were split to a new topic: [Ancient Greece's Negativity Towards Lust](/t/ancient-greeces-negativity-towards-lust/497) ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-27 03:55:24 UTC | #53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAbIa4uOxew Trying to teach kids to be criminals (and to profit off selling them crime how-to manuals) is really bad. It's serious crimes like credit card fraud. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-27 03:55:50 UTC | #54 https://www.tiktok.com/@samuelsleeves/video/7055412865909607726 ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-27 04:46:27 UTC | #56 https://www.tiktok.com/@brittneetalley6/video/7056088829769403694 ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-27 06:19:18 UTC | #57 https://www.tiktok.com/@aamirazh/video/7056251452146191662 ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-27 06:19:42 UTC | #58 https://www.tiktok.com/@aamirazh/video/6985051417715297541 Says tech hiring is not merit based. ------------------------- deroj | 2022-01-27 11:35:56 UTC | #59 Doesn’t seem to work anymore. Edit: same issue for the link right after the one I responded to as well. ![Image](upload://roJT5YiuU4Gq6jXMIMayCwAmFsC.jpeg) ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-27 14:40:37 UTC | #60 They're still working for me. Maybe the issue is your VPN or a browser extension. TikTok cares a lot more about their mobile app than their website, so opening in the app can also fix stuff. If I add random numbers to the video ID, I get "Video currently unavailable" not 404. I think I've seen "Video currently unavailable" before when a video is deleted by the creator and/or by TikTok. If I change the word "video" in the url to "blah" then I can get a 404. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-27 15:43:30 UTC | #61 [quote="Elliot, post:58, topic:464, full:true"] [https://www.tiktok.com/@aamirazh/video/6985051417715297541 ](https://www.tiktok.com/@aamirazh/video/6985051417715297541) Says tech hiring is not merit based. [/quote] He also says tons of Duke computer science students were cheating to pass their classes. https://www.tiktok.com/@aamirazh/video/6985610869350632709 ------------------------- deroj | 2022-01-27 17:06:33 UTC | #62 [quote="Elliot, post:60, topic:464"] They’re still working for me. Maybe the issue is your VPN or a browser extension. [/quote] Works for me as well now when I use my computer (404 was on iPad). ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-28 17:35:12 UTC | #63 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wf5W9TavmE A viewpoint from another field on problem solving. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-29 21:47:00 UTC | #64 https://www.tiktok.com/@wellandsepticlife/video/7058052453467573551 ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-01-31 02:43:18 UTC | #65 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ii2rvLDd09I If you want to be really good at something and make discoveries, you should care a lot about understanding tiny details and getting them right. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-01 06:17:02 UTC | #66 https://www.tiktok.com/@chesliekryst/video/7057342260798590255 Racism. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-01 06:29:58 UTC | #67 https://www.tiktok.com/@sidneymorss/video/7050331825696263429 Sexism. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-01 06:32:23 UTC | #68 https://www.tiktok.com/@thereal.habi/video/7059173871303331074 Social status competitions (plus sexism). ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-01 08:09:24 UTC | #69 https://www.tiktok.com/@sysengineer/video/7058285483406658863 More IT help tickets. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-01 08:10:56 UTC | #70 https://www.tiktok.com/@commonplacecivie/video/7055780374408072495 I think it may be harder to get Paths Forward for stuff like this today (unless you can go viral on social media). ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-03 19:41:59 UTC | #71 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyd0kFrUFBo Certain gaming communities have good attention to detail. He doesn't say what the issue is in words, but I think he's right to expect his target audience to understand. I caught it on first viewing no problem. But I better explain because people here are not in the target audience. He's repeatedly doing a sequence of two attacks (with a tiny walk forward after the second attack to reset his attacks and avoid the third one in the sequence). The green wind animation for an attack doesn't always happen after he does this a few times (in other words, you see one green sphere instead of two in a row). The sound still plays. If I had to guess, the attack still happens and does damage – it's just a visual bug – though that'd be worth testing. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-04 04:09:24 UTC | #72 https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/sjyv9d/getting_1099nec_forms_from_doordash_when_ive/ Non-crypto fraud. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-04 16:54:25 UTC | #73 https://www.tiktok.com/@baddie.brad/video/7060285591992192302 https://www.tiktok.com/@hollyjreardon/video/7060181499760528687 Be wary of paying huge amounts of money for college enabled by loans. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-09 02:44:53 UTC | #74 5 posts were split to a new topic: [Uber's Predatory(?) Leases and Capitalism](/t/ubers-predatory-leases-and-capitalism/508) ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-07 17:58:53 UTC | #75 https://www.tiktok.com/@professorcasey/video/7058401121202769198 Thomas Szasz warned us about anti-suicide stuff. ------------------------- alanforr | 2022-02-07 20:32:47 UTC | #76 Psychiatrists have often violated confidentiality when they found it convenient. In "The myth of psychotherapy", Chapter 10, Section V Szasz wrote: > In his “On the History of the Psycho-Analytic Movement,” Freud resorts to an extremely revealing tactic in trying to destroy Jung as a modern psychotherapist by identifying him as just another old-fashioned pastor: he quotes the confidential communications of a patient who had been a former patient of Jung’s. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-07 20:51:14 UTC | #77 https://www.tiktok.com/@econchrisclarke/video/7062057561121443119 Tariffs suck. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-08 02:25:32 UTC | #78 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Hyy1zRZPiQ I didn't follow all the science but it seemed kinda interesting. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-11 05:03:15 UTC | #79 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SuHSCkLD54 Attention to detail. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-11 22:54:39 UTC | #80 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebyub1Czkyo Starts around 4min in and I'm 10min in. So far **he's talked about how you really need to understand the basic concepts before trying to learn more advanced stuff.** (Also I used to know the guy who's talking. Besides chess, he's a fan of Ayn Rand.) ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-15 06:10:07 UTC | #81 https://twitter.com/epistemichope/status/1492242777157079048 The arrogance and confessions about rationalism are interesting, particularly near the start of the thread. He says he felt like he should win because he thinks he's rational, and that lots of people liked Less Wrong due to this vibe. I agree and some of my readers have the same problem. The difference is LW encourages and sanctions it when you talk to others, whereas I challenge and criticize it, which is a major reason that people dislike me. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-16 19:46:40 UTC | #82 https://www.tiktok.com/@elizavancort/video/7055411812937764143 Explains a passive-aggressive speech pattern. https://www.tiktok.com/@bi_fieri/video/7059838516766772527 Privileged elite thinking. ------------------------- alanforr | 2022-02-18 07:43:01 UTC | #83 [quote="Elliot, post:81, topic:464"] The arrogance and confessions about rationalism are interesting, particularly near the start of the thread. He says he felt like he should win because he thinks he’s rational, and that lots of people liked Less Wrong due to this vibe. I agree and some of my readers have the same problem. The difference is LW encourages and sanctions it when you talk to others, whereas I challenge and criticize it, which is a major reason that people dislike me. [/quote] I don't understand the last sentence. It reads like you're saying that you challenge and criticise talking to others. Does this mean you discourage trying to use CF as a way to increase your status with other people by looking like an intellectual? Or does it mean something else? ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-18 08:33:30 UTC | #84 When people post at LW, they are encouraged in their arrogant rationalism. They are encouraged to think that the community in general, including them personally, are smarter and more rational than Other People. The discussion atmosphere reinforces that they are special and deserve to win and get their way about stuff. When people come talk at my forum, I discourage that stuff. I don't treat them as one of the Chosen. I don't assume they're super great in return for them assuming it about me. I challenge and criticize stuff. Instead of saying "yay, nice to meet another genius" I look for flaws. People were often expecting to be respected and sanctioned, and accepted into the ingroup, not challenged and told they need to focus on self-improvement. Then they get upset. (Suggesting they work on basics, like grammar, makes this worse.) ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-19 01:14:12 UTC | #85 https://iina.io No link preview apparently. It's: The modern media player for macOS. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-19 06:58:02 UTC | #86 https://www.youtube.com/c/NeverKnowsBest/videos Long, intelligent videos about video games. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-21 07:37:08 UTC | #87 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF4GepJrT9Y ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-25 18:46:24 UTC | #88 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdftuZsFTwI Item duping found in breath of the wild. It's interesting partly from the perspective of what bugs programmers are still writing. You might think people would be more careful with pointers by now, and never deal with them directly (only indirectly via some library/framework/tool that's gotten tons of effort, been reused on tons of projects, and is super robust and safe), but nah... Or maybe just don't even write in a language where there's any expectation that you deal with pointers... Maybe even consider not mutating state all the time since so many of the bugs are from that... So many games think they can just add some effect to your character, in a permanent way, and rely on some other code running in the future to properly remove it, and over and over again that turns out to be unsafe and buggy. The least they could do is have variables for permanent stuff and variables for temporary stuff and then be easily able to refresh and recalculate your stuff by clearing the temporary stuff and just using the permanent stuff. This could be done automatically every time your character rests. Yet so many RPGs have bugs that can ruin the game with no way to ever get your characters stats recalculated from the base values again. They also do stuff like make you invulnerable for a cutscene and then you use some glitch to cancel the cutscene early so then code to make you vulnerable again never happens. It's the same kinda issue as e.g. when Pillars of Eternity had people permanently losing hp on characters because a temporary hp loss debuff was not being properly removed every time, which proves the fundamental design of their system is unsafe. None of the 3d games seem to be able to prevent characters from going through walls, either, but that involves some other issues. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-02-28 18:52:13 UTC | #89 https://frankjfleming.substack.com/p/franks-best-of-the-bee-part-4 > [Trump: ‘I Have Done More For Christianity Than Jesus](https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-i-have-done-more-for-christianity-than-jesus)’ > > This may be the most viewed article I wrote, but it didn’t do well at first. Articles making fun of Trump tended not to do great, but it was satire malpractice not to do it. This article was in reaction to Trump saying he did more for religion than any other president, and I just tweaked that a little. But not enough, because how this one took off was the left picked it up thinking it was a serious article, and it got spread far and wide. Despite the charges that the Bee was misinforming people on the right, many of the articles that got the most spread as “fake news” were spread by people on the left. > > Anyway, I love just taking a ridiculous position and arguing it seriously, so it was fun to write Trump’s argument that he was more important to Christianity than Jesus in Trump’s voice. I thought I nailed it. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-02 03:49:24 UTC | #90 https://www.tiktok.com/@alexservestea/video/7062395578659081519 restaurants with any sort of online ordering (including third party stuff like uber eats) need to limit how many orders they accept. ------------------------- alanforr | 2022-03-02 11:01:26 UTC | #91 If they raise prices they'll get fewer orders. Maybe they'll get lots of complaints and bad publicity too. ------------------------- Fire | 2022-03-02 11:42:50 UTC | #92 Or maybe some combination of higher prices and online order limits. I could see routinely not being able to order online during the lunch and dinner rushes leading to complaints and customer attrition as well. Perhaps limiting open hours, with more staff working at the same time, could be another response to the labor shortage. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-02 17:48:54 UTC | #93 To be clear, I didn't intend to comment on pricing. I was just trying to briefly say what the point of the video is. A problem with raising prices to reduce demand (which I don't recall any economics literature ever mentioning) is a lot of people are too mathematically illiterate to notice the price difference and change their behavior accordingly. People are pretty awful at budgeting, at remembering numbers, at comparing numbers, at understanding what numbers mean in their lives, etc. A lot of people literally don't notice, and don't change behavior, when services like instacart or doordash use 10-40% hidden markups on prices (in addition to multiple other fees). Those people might eventually find they are short on money, have no idea why, complain that minimum wage is too low, and come up with some kind of plan to save money – which might be cooking their own food more, or buying new clothes less, or avoiding starbucks, or buying their kids fewer video games, or lowering the speed of their cable internet, or driving further out of their way to go to gas stations with slightly cheaper gas. They might target their budgeting at the wrong thing, and possibly at something where the amount to be saved is tiny. Their plan to save money might even be counter-productive, just like e.g. people's plans to lose weight are sometimes counter-productive. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-05 18:05:40 UTC | #94 https://jonathanstark.com/daily/20220304-2359-why-you-must-include-benefits-in-your-proposals ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-08 22:34:50 UTC | #95 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVsUOuSjvcg ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-09 02:46:25 UTC | #96 https://www.tiktok.com/@brittanstein/video/7070508942970850606 ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-09 03:37:49 UTC | #97 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qanMpnYsjk ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-11 18:07:23 UTC | #98 https://curi.us/basecamp/fi-learning-20858411/docs-and-files/understanding-levels-of-detail-zooming-trees-in-and-out-3542563614.html ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-15 06:07:49 UTC | #99 Venmo and Paypal steal money. https://www.tiktok.com/@kailalove.com/video/7070981658295553323 https://www.tiktok.com/@kailalove.com/video/7071115363882224942 ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-15 22:20:12 UTC | #100 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP74RBTE8kI This was better than I expected. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-15 22:48:26 UTC | #101 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Eyo0u4_sYI I thought this episode was pretty good talking about Wall Street investment stuff. This stood out to me: > 12:31 > > We're at the mercy. > > 12:33 > > Of greed. > > 12:35 > > Like flat out greed. > > 12:37 > > Presented as free market capitalism. > > 12:39 > > It is not a free market. > > 12:42 > > I don't even know if it's capitalism. > > 12:43 > > It's certainly “crony something.” When Jon Stewart said "free market capitalism" I wanted to deny it. And then he, a leftist, actually himself said it isn't a free market and maybe not even capitalism, and said it's a crony system – he said *my* point for me. I did not expect but appreciated that. The other guy (a former SEC commissioner) then responded by emphasizing that it's not a free market. I also agreed with Stewart's earlier comments that the SEC is too rigid and by the book. What he didn't say is that, when the leadership is poor like that, more money won't fix it. It's not a money problem. (This applies to school and teacher quality too btw. It's not primarily a money problem.) He only said that given the lack of SEC budget, they need to deal with the situation and change strategies, which is reasonable. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-16 00:43:36 UTC | #102 https://www.tiktok.com/@miss.alexandria/video/7068701344097455403 ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-16 20:22:53 UTC | #103 https://tobyhandfield.com/blog/2017/10/7/philosophy-discipline > ## Is academic philosophy really a discipline? > > Yes it is, by any reasonable standard. But we tolerate behaviour, such as the visitor’s behaviour described above, that makes a mockery of our aspirations to be a discipline. Can you imagine any other discipline in a university where someone might agree to give a presentation on their research, while happily admitting that they knew *none* of the existing literature on the topic? ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-16 20:35:24 UTC | #104 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6Ez2oH9wY4 ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-16 21:47:11 UTC | #105 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHkR2_Wf8Nw He says, without negative comment, that early-career people want to publish academic philosophy papers in order to get a job. He's an academic philosopher (who teaches at a university position and has published a bunch of papers) who is familiar with this stuff, and the video is based on a talk he gave. That is a corrupt motivation for writing a philosophy paper. It's not about having an idea worth publishing. And he's just open about it, like he doesn't see the problem. > 1:59 > > the main reason I guess is it's > > 2:02 > > something to have on the CV which means > > 2:05 > > you can get a job or be in a good > > 2:07 > > position to apply for a job at the end > > 2:10 > > of the PhD end of the postdoc and > 2:50 > > I'm gonna focus in on what's going to be > > 2:52 > > what I think is gonna be most useful for > > 2:55 > > somebody around about the PhD thinking > > 2:59 > > about getting towards the end of the PhD > > 3:01 > > and using a publication to goal the CV > > 3:06 > > and try and get you a job ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-17 05:00:51 UTC | #106 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nCT8h8gO1g ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-18 01:17:10 UTC | #107 https://www.tiktok.com/@1adoptee/video/7076119192914677038 ------------------------- Max | 2022-03-18 06:30:54 UTC | #108 oh my god. that's horrible. (the rehoming runway modeling) I recognized the narrator voice -- it's from an Australian program called 60 minutes that does investigative type stuff (the quality varies). If anyone is interested, here's the original program -- from **3 yrs ago** -- https://youtu.be/Zzf72YcftdU?t=49. Not sure if it's the complete episode or not. I haven't watched it. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-21 00:59:55 UTC | #109 https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/tikg9a/aita_for_getting_mad_at_my_husband_because_he/ ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-21 17:49:35 UTC | #110 https://www.reddit.com/r/math/comments/tj1rw8/coauthor_plagiarized_parts_of_the_paper/ ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-21 17:54:40 UTC | #111 https://retractionwatch.com ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-21 17:57:47 UTC | #112 wow there are over 200 retracted papers listed just for COVID: https://retractionwatch.com/retracted-coronavirus-covid-19-papers/ i guess for every retracted paper there is at least one more that should be retracted but isn't. maybe ten more. i don't know how many. looking only at retractions is a little like looking only at divorces or at covid deaths. there are also a lot of bad marriages that don't divorce and bad covid outcomes that aren't death. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-25 05:38:56 UTC | #113 https://www.tiktok.com/@om_therapy_coaching/video/7078058318660652334 Therapists vs. DSM. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-25 17:12:11 UTC | #114 https://daringfireball.net/2022/03/doj_google_communicate_with_care ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-26 05:57:22 UTC | #115 A post was merged into an existing topic: [Non-Tribalist Politics Megathread](/t/non-tribalist-politics-megathread/449/86) ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-26 05:59:15 UTC | #116 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple-criteria_decision_analysis ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-26 16:59:12 UTC | #117 https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/tnv2ss/i_am_still_a_newbie_in_the_game_but_i_have_seen/ Superstition in a bunch of the top level comments, encouraged/modeled by streamers, and confusing newbies who don't know what's real. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-03-28 19:15:15 UTC | #118 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVKelyr-a_k Multiple top chess players lost today in the final pre-knockout round of the 3rd and last phase of the tournament that determines two qualifications for the 8-player candidates tournament, the winner of which plays a 1 vs. 1 match against the world champion to potentially become world champion. ------------------------- Elliot | 2022-04-03 02:38:56 UTC | #119 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilp_yOukHo4 April Fools Day is bad. Pranks in general are often bad. -------------------------