Apricus - Meta-Discussion of my Emotions and Diagnosing My Difficulty Engaging with FI Long-term

You may want to do some skill building before trying to work on emotional problems. E.g. practicing various kinds of trees or practice activities from the Max tutoring.

The inactive Fallible Ideas discord server still exists with searchable archives. Here’s an invite code that’ll expire in a week: DXZxy6Pp

FYI I unsubscribed from Stark’s emails, partly because they got repetitive, and partly because I emailed with Stark briefly a few times and he was quite irrational.

Official mental health diagnoses come with serious, permanent consequences and involve significant dangers, and you can basically never erase them, be undiagnosed, or change your mind. They go into official records where other people in the future can see them even if you don’t want those people to. They can make you ineligible for things and get you discriminated against. Although diagnoses provide some benefits (with strings attached), they don’t exist for your benefit, and are not designed as tools to help you.

Impulses are a type of intuition.

That sounds like something I could have said. But the numbers are just loose approximations. Treating it as a precise deadline doesn’t make sense.