the quote goes on to talk about ppl dealing with disagreement poorly.
i wanted to say i shouldn’t have given that particular list. conventional parents, capitalists, global warming skeptics, individualists and people with conservative social values all tend to have bad ideas too.
the issue is whether people are willing to discuss in productive ways or not. most members of all major groups are bad at that. it’s just a most people problem.
i also said something relevant recently regarding romantic partners:
Podcast Requests - #7 by Elliot
A problematic pairing is someone making rapid, unbounded intellectual progress with someone who isn’t. Other than that, there’s no particular need to upgrade to a better partner. If someone else is doing good work relevant to your career, you can collaborate non-romantically (which is the more common type of collaboration).
one way to look at the “philosophy first” idea is if you are making rapid, unbounded progress (or at least aren’t stuck and make progress regularly), then you should look for other people like that. two stuck people or two progress-making people both work as pairings, but one of each leads to conflict (which I think explains a lot of the conflicts I’ve had with people. e.g. the harassment campaign is coming from people who are stuck and can’t get along with me because i make progress and they don’t, but they don’t want to admit it and want to blame me. and also b/c they’ve seen me make progress and do good work, they have trouble seeing me as unimportant or irrelevant – my ability to make progress has stood out in their mind and made them a bit obsessed with me. that is not a typical result but over the years a decent number of people have decided i’m super rational and important and then been unable to face their inability to be like that too and they really wanted my approval and maybe also conventional social status and they get upset when i have standards they don’t meet and they feel judged negatively. some ppl like DD maybe don’t really get that anywhere else. who else looks down on DD and thinks he’s not good enough, not rational enough, not making enough progress, etc? and a lot of the ppl who dislike me are used to being respected and viewed as one of the smartest people in the room and can’t handle being challenged and failing and being revealed as not really able to be intellectually productive currently. and when i suggest they start studying and skill building, some of them hate me for it. and the better i am at doing critical analysis that shows their problems and why my suggestion is reasonable, the more they are going to dislike me.)