Delegating Mental Work

This is a misquote. Within the block quote, you put a double quotation marks character preceding the “WHY” which isn’t at that location in the book. And you left out the start of the sentence (with no ellipsis) which breaks the grammar of the quote (breaking the grammar would be bad even with an ellipsis, but is especially confusing without one). And the quote marks character plus the omission work badly together: the inaccurate quote marks character falsely tells readers that there weren’t omitted words at the start of the sentence.

The attribution is wrong too. You noticed a problem there, but instead of fixing it, you put a confusing addition in brackets with multiple errors.

Misquotes are not allowed on this forum.

This is also a misquote. Your source doesn’t say that those people claimed Ford was “uneducated”.

Misquotes are not allowed on this forum.

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