Deplatforming and Censorship Examples

Reddit is so evil that thousand of subreddits, including many huge ones (tens of millions of members), are deplatforming themselves temporarily or indefinitely in protest.

list of subreddits:

it includes r/iphone and r/videos which are being removed indefinitely Daring Fireball: Reddit Users Revolt

the r/videos mod team explicitly says they know reddit may steal their subreddit over this: remove them and install new moderators and reopen the subreddit.

imagine if a big publication on medium, substack or wordpress shut down and the site put it back up with their new people running it. that’s even worse than deplatforming.

imagine if a facebook group shut down and facebook put it back up with new moderators/owners. imagine if patreon did it.

imagine if i took this forum offline, and Discourse put it back up with their own moderation team. OK yeah this forum is self-hosted, but if i were using any forum host it’d be like what reddit might do. reddit is a big host where users can start their own forums for free, just like facebook, yahoo or google groups (btw yahoo groups, including mine, were all deleted on short notice after verizon bought yahoo).

oh, and now imagine a future where linode, digital ocean and others get worse and self-hosting becomes a much worse option, maybe similar to how bad running your own email server is now (originally anyone could run an email server, but spam filtering choices by gmail and others mean you have to go through companies to send out email newsletters or the emails won’t be reliably delivered).

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