Eternity Async Tutoring

Ok. I haven’t posted in a while so here’s a status update:

I’ve been sick the past few days. Looking at my journaling app its been since ~5 days ago (around when I last posted).

I’ve started feeling better and should be able to do some stuff tomorrow. I did watch the second video about grammar trees and did both trees. I haven’t reviewed the second one yet because it felt like too much effort.

I’m unsure how much of this is due to the difficulty of the material for me versus how much of it was me being sick. I don’t know if I’ve been evading doing the stuff because I don’t like it or because it’s too difficult (and that is made worse by being sick).

I do feel much better now, but hadn’t had much a chance to do anything because of work. Tomorrow I should be able to get stuff posted and evaluate how I’m feeling about the material.

On a slightly different note:

I had a question. If I wanted to discuss a topic is it better to open a new thread or go back to old one?

I recently started looking into caffeine being a big issue for my sleep and started reading a book called Caffeine Blues: Wake Up to the Hidden Dangers of America’s #1 Drug .

If I wanted to talk about some of the claims and stuff in the book would it be better to do it in a thread that previously covered caffeine and stuff like this:

Or should I make a new one? The author also made some claims about thiamin and caffeine which I thought was interesting and I don’t know if it would make more sense (again) to post here: Thiamin, Vitamins and Derrick Lonsdale

Or in a new thing entirely.

This is something I’ve thought about other stuff and its partially stopped me from posting about these things (and other things). I don’t think its the primary reason (I’ve thought about some stuff in the past that I could reasonably make a thread for, I just don’t), buts its a reason nonetheless. I wonder in general what would be the best practice here.