- Computers can do a lot of things that can help save time.
- Things don’t have to be perfect in the beginning. Errors can be fixed later.
- Main clause first, subordinating clause second.
- Verbs take one or two nouns. Prepositions take one noun. Non-finite verbs can take a noun (or two).
- Nouns have a parent node.
- “that” can have a pro-sentence(?) role.
- pro (prefix) - acting as a substitute or deputy for; on behalf of; for: proconsul | procure.
- a pronoun acts as a substitute for a noun, a pro-sentence acts as a substitute for a sentence
- The more complicated a sentence is the more writing errors matter. Its already complicated. Errors make it even harder and more confusing. Its not fair to ask people to both figure out your long complicated sentence and figure out/fix your errors.
- Grammar and content are somewhat separate.
- You can do a step by step process to breakdown a long complicated sentence with some basic grammar knowledge.