Following Along Async Tutoring [Dface]

This post took me 27 minutes to practice simple sentence problems and make this post.

Conclusion of Part 1

Clever John carefully ate the very juicy steak.

Action verb: ate

Subject: John

Object: steak

“Clever” modifies “John”

“carefully” modifies “ate”

“the” modifies “steak”

“very” modifies “juicy”

“juicy” modifies “steak”

Conclusions: John is clever. He is some steak carefully. That steak was very juicy.

John thought hard about chemistry.
Action verb: thought

Subject: John

“hard” modifies “thought”

Prepositional phrase: “about chemistry”. It’s an adverb modifying “hard”. “about” relates “chemistry” with “thought” to tell us what John was thinking about.

Conclusions: John thought hard about something. The thing he was thinking hard about was chemistry.

John put the toy soldier in the compartment in the box on the shelf in his room.

Action verb: put

Subject: John

Object: soldier

The first “the” modifies “soldier”

“Toy” modifies “soldier”

Prepositional phrase: “in the compartment” modifies “put”. It’s an adverb. The preposition “in” relates “compartment” with “put” to tell us the location of the putting action.

The second “the” modifies “compartment”.

Prepositional phrase: “in the box” I think modifies “compartment”. It’s an adjective. “In” relates “box” and “compartment” to tell us where the compartment is.

The third “the” modifies “box”.

Prepositional phrase: “on the shelf” modifies “box”. It’s an adjective. “on” relates “shelf” with “box” to tell us the location of the box.

The fourth “the” modifies “shelf”.

Prepositional phrase: “in his room” modifies “shelf”. It’s an adjective. “In” relates “room” with “shelf” to tell us where the shelf is located.

“his” modifies “room”.

Conclusions: John put the toy soldier in a compartment. That compartment is in a box that’s on a shelf. That shelf is in his room.