Gaslighting discussion (split from: Justin’s Miscellaneous Posts)

Thanks for the suggestion, I appreciate it. Unfortunately, I was still having trouble. I think I have some kind of mental block here. I actually asked ChatGPT 4 to help me brainstorm. My method was to paste the text of Elliot’s harassment summary into the chat window. I then asked what the foreseeable harms might be if a community member from CF talked to a CritRat. I asked a couple of different variations of my question (including more context in one variation). Some of the responses overlapped with stuff I already said, and some weren’t very on point, but it gave me some answers I thought were good points. I’m posting the good ones here and take responsibility for them. Note that I didn’t share any private info with ChatGPT. Also note that my current understanding is that we can use ChatGPT for posts if we disclose it.

  1. Leak of Private Information : The community member might unintentionally or deliberately share sensitive information about Elliot or the CF community. This could be used by the CritRats to further harass or discredit them.
  2. Potential for Recruitment : The CritRat could attempt to sway the community member to their side, effectively infiltrating the CF community.
  3. Emotional Harm : Knowing about this private conversation could cause emotional harm to Elliot and other members of the CF community, who are already dealing with the stress and anxiety of ongoing harassment.
  4. Misinterpretation of Events : The departing member might be upset or angry, and this could color their representation of the events or interactions within the CF community. The CritRat community could leverage this narrative to further their own agenda or justify their harassment.