JustinCEO Topic

Responding to Elliot’s post here:

Dang, I had no idea about the CritRat connection. I didn’t think too much about where the similarity to Elliot’s writing might have come from specifically, but I was definite thinking of a more “innocent” explanation than plagiarism and CritRat involvement :frowning:

This analysis reminds of me Ideal a bit. Cuz basically, you think that being a serious fan logically entails a certain course of action, but most people don’t act like that’s the case.

That all sounds plausible.

I’m going to give this serious consideration. Most of my RemNote notes are pretty unexciting anyways (I’ve even shared some of them e.g. here) and for stuff where I was more concerned about privacy, I used their local-machine-only, non-cloud-syncing database feature. I haven’t found anything else with RemNote’s particular combination of features, so I’m kind of mixed on not using it entirely at the moment (I’m in the middle of taking some notes on Aristotle with it), but I’m definitely feeling encouraged to make more strenuous efforts to find an alternative.