Meme misconceptions [Fallible Ideas podcast] [curi video]

Notes on meme misconceptions:

  • What are some typical misunderstandings about memes?
    • The main misunderstanding is thinking that evolution is a metaphor
    • Meme evolution theory is seen as hand-waving
    • Genetic evolution is the only one seen as science
    • Memes get lumped in with evolutionary psychology, which is hand-waving and telling stories
  • Memes involve literal evolution
  • Evolution can apply to anything that can replicate with variation and selection
  • Ideas can be copied and there are variations in the ideas being copied and there is selection among ideas
  • The main concepts with genetic evolution are replicators, variation, and selection
  • Genes are replicators
  • Even some supposed experts do hand-waving with memes
  • David Deutsch is the only one who ever took memes seriously
    • He applied technical views on evolution to memes
    • He developed the idea that rational and anti-rational memes are the two replication strategies
    • Only Deutsch and his fans have done any good work in this field
  • Much is known about evolution in a technical/detailed way but this doesn’t get applied to memes
  • Memes are treated like psychology where standards are low
  • Psychology stories do have some value but it’s not science
  • Memes are ideas so epistemology is relevant
  • People don’t understand evolutionary epistemology
  • Applying to evolution to ideas involves more than just memes
    • Understanding how learning works via evolution is another component
    • Guesses and criticism as Popper discovered
  • Static memes
    • These are the memes that disable creativity
    • Prevent criticism thus prevent rejection of meme
  • Misunderstandings of static memes
    • People think this makes sense but don’t integrate it into their thinking
    • Not recognizing that that they are puppets of memes themselves
    • Static memes are determining their lives, instead of their choices
    • The problem is urgent
  • They need to acknowledge their own situation regarding static memes
    • Start researching by learning Popper and evolution
    • How can I detect this?
    • What can be done about it?
    • How can I defend against it?
    • How do I limit the role of static memes in my life?
    • How can I control my life instead of being controlled?
  • Vague intuitions are exactly the kind of thing that memes are good at controlling
  • Anywhere it’s easy to be biased is where static memes are good at influencing and manipulating
  • Using intuition is like saying the memes told me I don’t have meme problem
  • This one issue should motivate people to avoid having their life be a waste
  • Not knowing about this is like being blind to reality and living by a script someone else wrote
  • People don’t want to learn and think and study
    • Partly due to not knowing how
    • Mostly they get stuck at the beginning
    • Lack energy once they are stuck