Non-Tribalist Politics Megathread

I remain skeptical that all of Trump’s political positions fit his personal beliefs.

By contrast, the kind of people who are violently intolerant like this:

don’t forget themselves and talk about kissing the group they’re intolerant of (in this case black people but I imagine they’re probably homophobic too).

It seems likely the violent people from the video were white, Christian, right-wing males.

I don’t think Trump, who slipped up and talked about kissing men, is personally like the violent racists that second video is about (nor do I think he’s very Christian). But that won’t stop him from implementing racist, homophobic, Christian political policies. Trump seems to want to be in charge but not care what policies he implements as long as he’s getting a bunch of fame and attention. He seems to lack political principles and just be pandering to his voters and donors, including maybe silicon valley venture capitalists too btw:

Price collusion is happening via many companies all using the same app. You share your sales data with the app, and the other companies do too, and then it makes pricing recommendations to everyone based on everyone’s data. This lets companies all raise their prices at the same time without directly communicating with each other. That’s not a competitive free market.