Open Tutoring Topic

I did the assignment for @Eternity to explain the concepts of analog and digital. I didn’t time myself but I think It took around 15-20 mins initially, then I added a couple things later. If I do more in the future I’ll make sure to time it. Unlike Eternity I didn’t feel unclear on what analog and digital was.

Blurred for spoilers.

Analog vs Digital

They are both different ways of dealing with quantities and with information.

A familiar example to most people is clocks. An analog clock has hands that are continuously changing value. A digital clock has a display that is, at any one time, in a discrete, definite state. A digital clock’s display changes its value every minute. An analog clocks value is constantly changing.

‘Big digital’ begins to approximate analog. The more values that a digital measurement can take, the more it resembles a continuum. Some ‘analog’ clocks are even actually ‘big digital’ clocks, with each hand having 60 consecutive but discrete positions it can be in.

Conceptual differences between analog and digital:

In an analog system, the amount of values between any two values is infinite. In digital a digital system, it is finite. For example, in analog the amount of values between 0 and 10 is infinite. In a digital system going from 0 to 10 (11 discrete values) there are 9 other values between 0 an 10.

You can turn an analog continuum into digital quantities by introducing breakpoints, under or over which the value changes.

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