Quantization, String Theory

You can search “ad hoc” in various Popper books. E.g. C&R:

(7) Closely related to this problem is the problem of the ad hoc character of a hypothesis, and of degrees of this ad hoc character (of ‘ad hocness ’, if I may so call it). One can show that the methodology of science (and the history of science also) becomes understandable in its details if we assume that the aim of science is to get explanatory theories which are as little ad hoc as possible: a ‘good’ theory is not ad hoc , while a ‘bad’ theory is.

Re the broader discussion, I saw errors, but I don’t think they really matter in the broader context that it’s too disorganized and is being done using preexisting (prior to CF) automatizations (about how to think and discuss) without any visible attempt to understand and practice (and move towards automatizing) a CF idea like trees. Errors are simply to be expected prior to automatizing better methods. I think that issue (the parts related to automatizations) is also too low level to begin with, and broader plans and goals at the forum and in life are important context for it.