SENS, Aubrey de Grey, and Harassment

A statement from Daria Khaltourina , who has had a lot of interaction with Aubrey who has made some statements for perspective. She is the Head of Department at Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatization of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation .

Let me comment on “me too” scandal... - Daria Khaltourina

Let me comment on “me too” scandal around Aubrey de Grey right after he raised 20 million on fighting aging. I can only testify that I am completely happy with my communications with Aubrey and he never harassed me or anything. I was always happy to sit on lunch or dinner near him whenever I could on many occasions, I totally enjoy chatting with him.

Also, I find it very hard to believe this particular piece of Celine Halioua “He told me that I was a ‘glorious woman’ and that as a glorious woman I had a responsibility to have sex with the SENS donors in attendance so they would give money to him”. Like really? Recollecting the donors of SENS, they are mostly not this type of people at all. This must have been misunderstanding. I heard no rumor like this particular claim from the Russian H+ community, and we contact with SENS a lot, a lot of H+ women too.

I am not claiming that Aubrey is not sexually active in general, this is, in fact, part of life. By the way, ladies I saw him dating were never very young, which Celine claims him trying to abuse young scientists

I also never saw Aubrey trying to get advances from his fans who would come to him after his lectures in Russia, many of whom were female, including scientists or young one.

There was an accusation from Laura Deming regarding a 9-year old mildly improper e-mail. Most women and men too, get romantic or sexual proposals many, many times through their lives, sometimes hundreds. If we start exposing everyone this would be complete mess. I would never do things like this to anyone for just 1 very old email like Laura Deming does, especially given how strongly Aubrey promoted and empowered Laura.

What an awful statement in so many ways. I have further updated in favor of Aubrey (and others in the community) being guilty.