Tim Pool Videos

Please don’t post Tucker Carlson links in a way where, if I don’t reply, a reader could get the impression that he’s part of my tribe/ingroup or is one of the people I think is reasonable to follow. I don’t have a tribe/ingroup, and if I did I wouldn’t want Carlson in it; I think actively watching and promoting him says something bad about you.

I think it’s particularly important that I say this because I did like and share some Carlson videos over a year ago when his writing staff was different.

Also you may not get what I mean about how you present him in replies to me, and how that’s misleading, so think about it this way: You talk about him in a different way than you would link a video from Oliver Darcy or Hillary Clinton (Darcy is the superior example because he’s less famous – it’d be harder to confuse anyone into thinking I like Clinton. Darcy, for those who don’t know, is the guy who wrote the hit piece about Carlson’s writer.). You aren’t sharing Carlson videos like he’s a bad guy, or like I think he’s a bad guy and you disagree. Your phrasing and social dynamics implications are significantly different than that, and you did it twice in a row with Carlson today – for some reason doing it again after I pushed back the first time and you didn’t respond to that but then promoted Tucker again, in reply to me like it was a friendly collaborative reply (rather than a debate-type reply).

My advice (for everyone here, including @Alisa ) is to stop following/watching/reading any non-Objectivist, non-classical-liberal living right winger who doesn’t have some significant connection to the left, like being a convert from the left, having a major point of agreement with the left, or working for a boss like that. Some people seem to prefer fully right wing people (like Carlson or Coulter) over e.g. David Horowitz or Tim Pool, who they don’t attack or reject but do pay less attention to and link less without explaining their preference. I think those tastes are wrong and it’s due to a dangerous tribalist bias.

I have the same general opinion about following leftists (do not follow if no major connection to or agreement with the right), but I think some people here only follow right wingers, which is itself questionable. Also I think people should follow less politics but my general impression is that people neither listen to me nor debate me about that. I did get people to post less politics here by discouraging it.

On a related note, guys, stop using Twitter for politics or debate. All politics, or debate about any subject, on Twitter, is awful.

The mixed-people-only guidelines are for content which is primarily political, not content where politics just gets mentioned a little bit on the side. For other stuff, you should not be choosing by political position, so you should be watching a mix.

Tim Pool’s videos on the Milley issue – and in general – are better. He explains the issues better and he’s a more reasonable person than Carlson. Carlson’s video doesn’t add value. It’s actually a bad video. What Carlson primarily adds is a right-wing-tribe posturing/perspective. BTW, Pool gets accused of being a full right wing tribalist, and he does have a lot of right wing opinions about current political issues, and he did support Trump, but he comes from the left and I think he isn’t right wing in the same way as someone like Carlson or Coulter and that’s actually noticeable enough to be why some people like him less.