Trying to understand justification better

It’s part of my goal of learning to understand CR and CF better.

I was reading some old LW forum posts of yours (curi) from 2011 and also during these days I was reading posts here on CF forum as well.
I don’t really remember what exactly brought up justification, but it might have been this:

It glorifies him [Aubrey] and he thinks it justifies stuff, like non-intellectual methods, that would otherwise be bad. Ironically he thinks trying to do something so important justifies him worrying about rationality less .

In the LW forum posts I had read eg (page 202):

Regresses all go away if we drop justification. Don’t justify anything, ever. Simple.

I became confused so I asked the Twitter question. (Well, roughly something like this anyway.)

Thx. I started reading those yesterday and will continue to do so these coming days.