Taking concrete steps directly about honesty stuff is often hard. Honesty is a bit abstract and our society has confusions about it. People often have a “don’t know what steps to take” type problem about it.
One way to proceed is skill building. You can get better a rationality, logic, project and time management, etc., and possibly first get better at smaller sub-skills. Whenever proceeding is hard you can try to break things down into smaller parts to learn (then practice and automatize). I have made trees like An Organized Plan for Learning Philosophy (explained with a tree diagram) [CF Video] showing lots of relevant skills. I also have examples of how to practice more abstract intellectual things like Practice Thinking in Terms of Error Correction
I find people usually simply don’t do much of this stuff. I’m not clear on why. I don’t think it being too hard is the blocker.
When people do it, they often soon stop or else they focus on one thing a bunch (e.g. grammar) and never move on to some later steps so it doesn’t lead to very useful results.