Baba Is You

So for the Sunken Temple level in the Lakes area I’m going to practice the tip mentioned below. I thought it would be nice to try since I’m stuck and have a lot of rules in my head for it. Quote about the tip:

Ok, I’m going to use spoilers so the level doesn’t get ruined for others:

The Lakes-Sunken temple level

List of rules:

  • Baba is You
  • Baba is Push
  • Baba is Rock
  • Baba is Defeat
  • Rock is You
  • Rock is Push
  • Rock is Defeat
  • Rock is Wall
  • Rock is Baba

Not anything that comes to mind.

  • Baba is You

For this one it’s just the player controlling Baba

  • Baba is Push

For this one I can push baba around instead of the rock but that’s the same if as if I was baba pushing the rock.

  • Baba is Rock

For this rule, I can have two rocks on the field or have two babas if I flip the rule

  • Baba is Defeat
  • Rock is Defeat

For these I was thinking that they were useless cuz they just have me lose if I walk into the defeating objects. Now, though I think I could probably push the rock into the crab then make the rule that the Rock is Defeat. That way maybe the crab dies. I’m going to try it out. If it doesn’t work that’s ok I’ll just move on to the next area.