Bitcoin (BTC) as Money

One quick note:

Sure, gold would be valuable to aliens who trade with humans, even if it doesn’t look pretty to them. The alien civilization I’m imagining is not aware of the existence of humans, and doesn’t think gold is pretty, and doesn’t know about the industrial uses for gold. To them, gold would be no more valuable than dirt.

I should probably read TMC. There are some things you wrote in here

that I don’t really understand. I’m going to mostly ignore it for now because I want to keep the discussion focused (but let me know if any of it is important for what I say below).


I think that here ^^^, you’re saying almost the same thing as what I getting at with this sentence:

But yeah, there’s this weird feedback effect going on: much of the reason why gold has value as a commodity is because it’s already valuable. Let me call that type of value “2nd order commodity value” for lack of a better term.

Since BTC is rare and expensive, BTC already has value as a 2nd order commodity (e.g. allowing people to flaunt wealth, allowing people to look at their wallet and feel good about themselves).

Does what I’m saying make sense so far? Do you agree that BTC has some value as a “2nd order commodity”?