Continuing the discussion from Crypto Currency Fraud:
Topic Summary: @lmf and I have been discussing whether USG could permanently harm Bitcoin, the nature of BTC’s value, origin of value, and whether it’s good money or not. We also have touched on some other stuff, like whether ETH is a commodity or not. Context: Max currently reading Theory of Money and Credit which @Elliot referenced in the root node (not quoted in tree). @Elliot suggested we make a conversation tree.
Goal: primary: reach agreement on topics and subtopics raised. auxiliary: use a conversation tree to keep the conversation under control and help us achieve the primary goal.
Why are you posting this in Unbounded? It’s continuing a discussion from unbounded.
Do you want unbounded criticism? (A criticism is a reason that an idea decisively fails at a goal. Criticism can be about anything relevant to goal success, including methods, meta, context or tangents. If you think a line of discussion isn’t worth focusing attention on, that is a disagreement with the person who posted it, which can be discussed.) Yes. Criticism is how we learn.[1] (note: I can’t answer for @lmf)
Here’s my first draft of the conversation tree.
2021-12-01-cf-bitcoin-money-tree-1255.pdf (70.5 KB)
(edit: it looks like this image got downsized – PDF is zoomable)
A text version is below – I can import tab-indented stuff so @lmf feel free to edit in plaintext if you want.
Also @lmf – pls LMK if you disagree with any nodes I put there, or anything important I missed.
(Note: I use simplemind pro for mindmaps, I can share the raw file too if that helps)
conversation tree as text -- NB: tab indentation + names not attached to nodes
Bitcoin as Money
> Bitcoin is not a commodity money. Its value is meant to come from being a medium of exchange and that’s it. That’s bad.
bad prep. USG could perma harm BTC. USG couldn't perma harm gold.
in 2010-13, Bitcoin community didn't really have an answer to extreme harm (EMPs, etc)
Can't perma destroy BTC value b/c ppl (in the future) can revive the old blockchain
What's the diff between this and starting a new chain with same distribution of coins?
please explain
identical UTXO set
gotcha. is there an important diff between the two? they seem equivalent
either method could restore some/all value of BTC to owners, "which was my essential point"
Max: I don't think it'd be rational for ppl to do that. Even if they did, that'd be creating something rather than preserving old bitcoin.
it's rational to resurrect an old chain for the same reason as keeping the chain running
resurrecting is not worth it for outsiders, tho (ppl who don't have btc keys)
if only the old-guard resurrect the chain, then there's no real value in that network (small, better alternatives; outsiders can start a new chain from scratch)
answered by vested interest > The reason why (I think?) it’s rational to resurrect an old chain is the reason why it’s rational for them to keep running the main chain tomorrow: The people maintaining it have a vested interest in maintaining it.
who is "them"
if 'them' means miners in 2021, doesn't address 'old-guard' crit
i don't define it b/c miners maintain BTC directly but users make it valuable
vested interest doesn't explain why ppl would want to rez a dead chain (even if they were prev miners/hodlers)
continuity matters
why do ppl want to continue a chain block-to-block? i.e., a chain "that's been dead for 10 minutes" (block period target)
miners make blocks
miners interested b/c BTC has value per kWh that's better than alternatives
bitcoin has value because [???]
claiming USG can perma harm => explain why [???] goes away after X yrs but not 10 min
one reason for [???] is BTC as medium of exch -- value comes from ppl who own/use it
those ppl prefer to use BTC over alternatives
today: one reason to use BTC is that it's the most secure chain. that doesn't apply when resurrecting a chain tho.
also the mining rewards would be super low -> problematic for small/young network
security comes from code and miners.
USG can't perma harm either of them.
vested interest of maintainers / nodes / miners / etc
ETH can be seen as a commodity
ETH doesn’t have value other than as a medium of exchange b/c tx fees (or burn) pays for miners (mb indirectly). Unlike CM, ETH would be worthless if no one else valued it. It's function would cease.