It rejects trying to figure out how much support, evidence or justification an idea has.
We use evidence to criticise ideas, but not to support/justify them. Is that correct? That means that some or even a lot of evidence in favour of an idea won’t work, but any conclusive evidence against an idea will work.
Or something like the amount of support/evidence/justification for (aka positive arguments) an idea doesn’t matter (~because it’s compatible with a lot of other (infinite?) things as well and doesn’t differentiate between those things).
we brainstorm unjustified guesses
I don’t understand “we brainstorm unjustified guesses”.
We brainstorm guesses that we believe are true, don’t we? Are not those ideas in a way “justified” by our current understanding of the problem (our current knowledge)?
Or does this mean something along the way that we just brainstorm whatever we come to think of in an automated way and criticise most of those thing in our head and end up with some ideas that we think are good enough to think more consciously about and then we act on those?
Considering this is in Friendly feel free not to respond but FYI:
It’d be easier for me to reply if this was in Unbounded.
I don’t know why you put it in Friendly – like what your goal with that choice is.
I don’t know if you considered that I’m much more willing to to reply in Unbounded, and that you’re making a choice there.
You haven’t discussed your goals, plans, requests/asks from (which) others, contingencies for what you’ll do to continue on your own if others don’t do what you want, offers to others, resources budgeted to plan, reasons you expect to follow through instead of aborting early, why now, why this topic, risks of failure for the project, etc.
These things make it harder to give any kind of significant help rather than just sporadic comments on bits of interest to the commenter, with no overall plan or organization to help you learn something. And those comments are risky because people often jerk their focus to whatever gets commented on instead of thinking about how important it is to their goals. And they’ll often do that repeatedly if they get multiple comments, even from separate people. So there’s a discouragement to speak at all because saying anything that isn’t super important can lead to bad results for compliant people who don’t keep in mind what’s important and consider stuff in the global context. It sucks when people take an idea, run with it in a way you didn’t intend, sabotage their learning, and then (often not consciously) blame you, which pressures you to follow up more in meta ways (to try to help with the mess) that are hard to speak of in the Friendly category.
Also in Friendly it’s harder to criticize bad or misleading help given by others. There are recurring problems like people who want to be lecturers/mentors, but who are bad at it and misleadingly overconfident.
Thanks. This is very helpful. Thinking about these things as well as having a plan for them makes a lot of sense.
I’ll answer what I can now and try to answer the rest later.
I think I understand that being the case after reading your post. I did not realise that when writing the OP.
I kind of find Unbounded intimidating. I figured that Friendly would be easier for me to start with. I didn’t realise placing it in Friendly was making it harder and riskier for you and others re engaging and giving help. I think I understand why that would be the case, especially after reading bullet points 4 and 5.
I did not consider nor realise that. Thx for clarifying.
Good points. I failed at all of these. I will need to take some time and think about these things.
This was very helpful.
I do have to say that I might not yet be good enough to avoid losing focus from the global goal at times or unconsciously sabotage my learning despite there being more help than “comments on bits of interest”. I will try hard not to do it though. If I do (which I hope won’t happen), I will only blame myself.
This makes sense.
I’ll discuss the missing part (goals, plans etc) once I thought more about it. After that we can move the thread to Unbounded (not sure if I can move it) and I’ll see if anyone is interested enough to engage and/or help after that.
I’ll discuss the missing part (goals, plans etc) once I thought more about it.
I think that I got intimidated and postponed doing what I said I would do indefinitely.
After particularly reading this and this I think that what I should do is do some more basic and easier stuff.
I think working on grammar and watching and learning from “Tutoring Max” videos, as was recommended to Max, is what I should aim at doing.
I have a bad track record of completing/finishing stuff - especially stuff related to philosophy. I don’t know if the grammar stuff will be more successful than other things. One reason as to why it could be more successful is that the grammar stuff has a fair amount of structured material (something I think is important for me at the moment due to poor organizational skills). Another reason as to why learning grammar could be more successful is that I am starting to somewhat understand it’s importance for understanding and learning other things.
To enable conscious, explicit thought and discussion about what text says. Grammar matters most at the level of sentences, phrases or clauses.
To better understand the structure of text. The structure can be visually represented with tree diagrams.
Learning this helps enable thinking about, discussing and fixing reading, writing and thinking errors. Without consciously knowing grammar, you rely on intuition and automatization from childhood, and it’s hard to change, review or override that old knowledge.
It’s important to keep the goals in mind and make judgments about what’s relevant, not to learn anything just because it’s about grammar. It’s also important to build on grammar. Learning grammar and then stopping won’t be very useful. Building on it includes moving on from sentences to paragraphs or larger texts, and also connecting grammar analysis with analyzing the meaning of text, rather than keeping grammar separate from meaning.
A secondary goal with studying grammar is to get experience and practice learning something successfully and then building on it.