That rule is only for projects in the Projects category. It doesn’t apply to posts in other categories. Also, I hereby grant @ActiveMind permission to do two projects in the Projects category at a time for prerequisite cycling.

You don’t need to thoroughly learn each prerequisite, finish it, and then move on to the next topic until you work your way up to CF.
I think I have this tendency and would’ve done it more in the future if I hadn’t read this article. So I think this article is very useful.

Crossing the last breakpoint isn’t necessarily the best method either because it might take more effort to cross that breakpoint than it’s to do the CF goal from the current breakpoint. So the optimal way of learning prerequisites is to cross the breakpoint where the next breakpoint takes more effort than directly achieving the goal the prerequisite was for.
Prerequisite knowledge usually provides more value than that because it also helps some other things.

This part was really fun to do! It was cool recognizing that breakpoints and excess capacity are useful in this model even if Elliot didn’t write about them.