Discussion of Caffeine Blues

I started reading the book Caffeine Blues: Wake Up to the Hidden Dangers of America’s #1 Drug after seeing it mentioned in this thread:

by an anonymous user. I didn’t read it immediately after seeing it mentioned. Just recently after another day of bad sleep I finally considered looking into caffeine and its effects, and remembered seeing that book.

Has anyone else read this book? Has anyone else read this book that still drinks caffeine? Who still drinks caffeine specifically because they disagree with what they read in this book (or any other anti-caffeine material) and not due to failing at quitting caffeine? Is anyone aware of refutations of the book? I googled “refutation of caffeine blues” and didn’t find anything substantial.

Personally I’m quitting caffeine regardless (only reason I have not yet is due to being on vacation in another country as I write this and I don’t want to bother with any big lifestyle changes away from home) as I openly drink it to avoid headaches and nothing else. I personally don’t get any noticeable affect when I drink it. Probably because I’ve been drinking a fair amount of caffeine since little (~5 at least). Sodas are the obvious culprit, but my father also let me have a fair bit of energy drinks too. So the decision to quit it isn’t difficult and I always intended to quit it for a short-time (to cycle the affects) but after reading this it may be a longer-term decision to not drink it again.

Some things mentioned in the book that I found interesting:

I find it remarkable that so little attention has been paid to the role of caffeine in eye health. Caffeine’s diuretic effect can make your eyes so dry that wearing contact lenses is uncomfortable or impossible.

Cherniske, Stephen Snehan . Caffeine Blues: Wake Up to the Hidden Dangers of America’s #1 Drug (p. 223). Grand Central Publishing. Kindle Edition.

I’ve always had an issue with dry eyes. I’ve never been given a good reason as to why that is. My ophthalmologists growing up were aware of my caffeine intake (I have a number of eye conditions) and didn’t mention anything about not taking in caffeine. They just prescribed me special eye drop drugs for my eyes and thats it. Insurance never covered the eye-drops though and I was too broke (at the time) to afford the eyedrops so I never tried them. Maybe my caffeine intake played a part. Broadly I have quite a few issues with my eyes and I wonder how much of those issues have been due to caffeine.

It’s metabolic stress from poor food choices, pollution, and electromagnetic radiation.

Cherniske, Stephen Snehan . Caffeine Blues: Wake Up to the Hidden Dangers of America’s #1 Drug (p. 206). Grand Central Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The author mentions electromagnetic radiation being bad. I remember Elliot asking about the health concerns of EMFs health here: Do EMFs Harm Health and Cause Cancer?

The article Elliot references is from 2021, the book is from 1998. The author doesn’t go into anything in-depth on EMFs I just noticed he mentioned them as a potential health concern.

Malnutrition is one of the most well-defined effects of habitual caffeine intake. It contributes in a very logical way to a host of disorders that we will explore in Chapter 5. Caffeine, and possibly other ingredients in coffee and tea, causes an increased loss of thiamin and other B vitamins in the urine.43–44, 45 There is evidence that caffeic acid also decreases the bioavailability of thiamin so that less of this vital nutrient is absorbed from food46. Since the B vitamin status of many Americans is borderline to begin with, regular consumption of coffee and soft drinks can contribute to deficiency and a raft of symptoms, including neurological damage.47

Cherniske, Stephen Snehan . Caffeine Blues: Wake Up to the Hidden Dangers of America’s #1 Drug (p. 96). Grand Central Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Caffeine causes issues with thiamin. Thiamin is something the forum has talked about before, here: Thiamin, Vitamins and Derrick Lonsdale
I’m having trouble finding my digital copy as I write this, but in Why I Left Orthodox Medicine: Healing for the 21st Century I don’t think Lonsdale talks about caffeine too much and its interacting with thiamin. I remember him not being a fan of caffeine but thats it.

The word “caffeine” is only in the book 3 times but “coffee” is 20 times. Examples (bold added):

What I am trying to illustrate here is the essential learning process that I have had to go through in order to have confidence in nutritional therapy as a practical approach to virtually any disease to which the human being is prone. Most of our diseases are brought upon ourselves by widespread cultural activities such as smoking, bad diet, and over-use of alcohol, caffeine, and soft drinks.

When we crave something like coffee, chocolate, or cola, we are addicted. It is the pleasure-craving zones in the brain that dictate a continued satisfaction and create the sensation that we call craving.

I am fascinated by the people who come back for second visits after being advised to discontinue coffee, chocolate, sweets, tobacco, milk, fruit juice, or whatever is their particular addiction. I ask them how they are getting on with the withdrawal. Often I get the reply, with a kind of smile to suggest that I, the physician, will be pleased, “I am working at it.” I point out that their low dose is now often as harmful as or even more harmful than their original intake. Furthermore, they are not at all affecting me as their advisor.

I remember a delightful gentleman who came to see me because he was repeatedly sick with many different things. He was an alcoholic, a member of AA. He had been “dry” for several years and was justifiably pleased with himself. The only problem was that he had substituted the alcohol with sixteen cups of coffee a day! I told him that he had to quit coffee. He remonstrated, saying that he was unable to do it. He was actually successful, however, and later told me that it was the hardest thing that he had ever done. He went to sleep in his office, became excessively sleepy driving his car, and had the most appalling headaches. Was it worth it? Well, all I can say is that I never see him now. He does not need me. But then, he does not need any other physician either: he is well.

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Hmm. From Why I Left Orthodox Medicine: Healing for the 21st Century by Derrick Lonsdale (you can get a free digital copy here):

Hence, a deep craving for sex is really no different, in principle, from a craving for tobacco, chocolate, or coffee.

Withdrawal from any addictive substance will result in withdrawal symptoms.

Coffee is a well-known addiction, and many people are completely
amazed by the strength and virulence of the headaches that they experience
during withdrawal. Why do these symptoms develop? It is, I think, because
the computer is maladapted to the sensory input. All kinds of autonomic
nervous system mischief accrues if the computer becomes erratic in its
electro-chemical behavior. We would never become addicted to anything
unless exposed to it. Alcoholics, though they are born with the
constitutionally predisposed system which easily creates addiction, would
never become alcoholics unless exposed to alcohol. An addictive tendency in
a woman is accentuated in the premenstrual week, and this is when craving
for chocolate or salt is tremendously increased.

I started glancing over those passages again and if memory serves me correct in understanding these quotes Lonsdale attributes issues with caffeine/coffee with peoples addiction to the feeling they get from the substance and how that addicting pleasure affects the brains “computer” (something like that). Because of that he recommends quitting stuff cold turkey instead of over time. ~I don’t know. His explanations kind of make sense but I don’t know if I completely agree with him on addiction, withdrawal, and if you can ween off something (versus just going cold turkey). Interestingly enough those three examples he gave after sex have chemicals that are considered addictive. tobacco-nicotine, chocolate - caffeine, coffee-caffeine. I guess these are all stimulants. Chocolate has two stimulants caffeine and theobromine.

One reason I disagree with Lonsdale here (at least partially) is because I didn’t really have any withdrawal symptoms when I quit vaping. Maybe its due to how I quit? I tried cold turkey a bunch of times and I did feel huge cravings (though never sick or anything) and picked it up back up a few times, then the final time I quit cold turkey again and (for whatever reason) stuck to it this time. Didn’t feel anything negative (did feel better from stopping, but that’s different).

From Caffeine Blues:

For the most part, the withdrawal reaction has to do with the sudden change in your circulation brought about by the absence of caffeine. Blood vessels no longer constricted by caffeine suddenly open up and allow greater amounts of blood to flow through. And while this is a very good thing, when it comes to the blood vessels in your brain, the sudden increase in circulation can cause splitting headaches. Other symptoms of caffeine withdrawal, like rebound constipation, are related to decreased muscular stress. With caffeine no longer contracting your intestinal muscles, you may experience sluggish elimination. It may take several months to restore the natural rhythm and function of your colon.

Withdrawal reactions from caffeine are due to what caffeine does to your body. The author of Caffeine Blues mentions avoiding cold turkey as the withdrawal reactions are the most severe when you do this (presumably increasing the odds you won’t actually quit caffeine). He recommends weaning off of it over two weeks.

Lonsdale is not a fan of weaning off:

There is really only one effective way to beat addiction—to quit “cold
turkey.” When a gradual withdrawal is attempted, the individual may become
increasingly sensitive to the substance.

That’s surprising to hear. I quit nicotine (vaping) cold turkey and had what I would consider withdrawal symptoms for a good two to three weeks. My mind was really foggy, I would get confused in conversations a lot, I was emotional and irritable. I didn’t have any cravings though, and I didn’t have any physical discomfort.

When I quit regular caffeine intake (I still have occasional sources of caffeine like in chocolate) I had only mild headaches but I had muscle aching pain bad enough to wake me up at night a couple times. My legs hurt for about a week.

Oh I quit caffeine cold turkey too btw.

You guys might be interested in Netflix’s Juul documentary which I watched recently.

I don’t know either. I like Lonsdale but I’m not persuaded by all his claims.

I found myself more emotional and irritable on nicotine then without.

Do you feel better now after quitting caffeine? I’ve been fully caffeine free the past three days and I feel really really good. Genuinely the best I’ve felt in a while over a long period of time. I’ve had days in the past where I felt like this when I drank caffeine but they were for short periods of time. I think part of the reason is the emphasis the book gives on improving your nutrition and exercise while your quitting.

Yeah I do feel better, especially in the mornings. It seems that I have more energy throughout the day. I think stopping regular alcohol consumption also had a big impact on that too; alcohol really messes with my sleep.

I didn’t quit caffeine for direct caffeine reasons but because I started getting acid reflux and thought perhaps that it was due to the black tea I was drinking regularly. (And I think it was; it’s completely gone now.) I figured I’d quit that and as a bonus stop regular caffeine intake to see how that went, and it went well and I’ve wanted to stay off it. I don’t know much and haven’t read much about problems with caffeine or debate about it.

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Ran into this quote from Caffeine Blues:

Unfortunately, because there are no standards set by the FDA for decaffeinated tea, manufacturers will sometimes add black tea to the decaf tea leaves to give them flavor, thus spiking the caffeine levels.

Wonder how true this still is?

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This made me wonder if there is a product or simple way to test the presence of caffeine. It seems there isn’t. Currently, you need a lab to do it. I found that surprising.

It seems there was a strip style test that briefly came to market ~2009 called D+CAF but then quickly disappeared because it was bad/not sensitive enough and couldn’t be used in coffee/tea with milk or sugar or in e.g a coke.


Another quote I ran into during some review from Caffeine Blues:

Shocked reader: “If this is such a critical issue, why in the world has it not been diligently pursued?” Well, iron defi­ciency is primarily a problem for women, and most physi­cians and researchers are men. Additionally, the cure for the problem is a nutritional supplement and not a pre­scription drug, so the issue doesn’t get much attention.

I went to go check this out in context, some other stuff from that section called “Caffeine, the Iron Robber”:

Not only does caffeine contribute to the loss of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and other valuable minerals, but it also contributes to serious iron loss. The data is incontrovertible. A 1983 study showed that one cup of coffee “reduced iron absorption from a hamburger meal by 39%.”

Still seems true: Do Coffee and Caffeine Inhibit Iron Absorption?. Though that article does talk about other stuff + coffee itself playing a role.

Just thought the authors claim that iron doesn’t get much attention because it’s a nutritional issue interesting. That lines up with stuff with Lonsdale.

Hmm. Both Derrick Lonsdale and Stephen Cherniske published their books a while ago (1994 for Derrick Lonsdale and 1998 for Cherniske). It doesn’t seem like they’ve had much cultural affect? Or maybe they have. I don’t know how long these kinds of things take. I do remember my dad getting prescribed nutritional supplements to help with his long list of health issues. Maybe thats a recent development?

I wonder if sexism in medical research has improved. From anecdotes I hear here and there probably not. I assume its gotten a bit better but still probably really bad.

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Yeah. I looked it up to. After learning that its quite a complicated process. I’m kind of skeptical of some caffeine claims. I can see big corporations putting in that effort. Though simultaneously after learning more about them I can also see them just lying. I guess caffeine added to something like energy drinks is probably accurate, but the caffeine measurement on a bag of coffee from a smaller producer is probably wrong? Maybe the FDA requires a number? I can see a company making up a number/guessing.

I looked up caffeine testing/labelling standards real quick and came across this:
Caffeine Content Labeling: A Missed Opportunity for Promoting Personal and Public Health - PMC.

Current regulation of caffeine-containing products is incoherent, fails to protect consumers’ interests, and should be modified in multiple ways.

No foods or beverages containing caffeine are required to list caffeine content on their labels. Only over-the-counter drugs must list caffeine content. Carbonated sodas and other conventional foods and beverages containing added caffeine must list caffeine as an ingredient, but need not indicate the quantity of caffeine.

As Ressig et al. point out: “It is a striking inconsistency that, in the United States an over the counter (OTC) stimulant medication containing 100 mg of caffeine per tablet (e.g., NoDoz) must include all the above warnings, whereas a 500 mg energy drink can be marketed with no such warnings and no information on caffeine dose amount in the product.”5

Caffeine labeling on energy drinks is remarkably uninformative: a recent report revealed 40% of the most popular energy drink products give no quantitative caffeine information, and 30% of those products that do offer this information understated caffeine content by more than 20%.

! Huh. So of the 30% (I guess 60% in total) of energy drinks that do give caffeine information they understate by 20%. That seems pretty fraudulent. Though I guess I don’t have a good idea of the numbers.

Hmm. I guess my hunch was kinda right. Can’t trust those numbers. Dang.

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Related to Caffeine:

I’m subscribed to a newsletter from this fitness company called Kinobody. They sell supplements and programs. I used the supplements in the past but I stopped since they were pretty expensive and I didn’t feel a difference using them. I never unsubscribed from their newsletter.

In a recent newsletter they just sent they talk about cortisol/stress affects on the body:

Your body needs cortisol to function correctly.

It’s a stress response hormone that helps regulate metabolism, immune response, and blood pressure while providing quick energy when needed in challenging situations.

The problem is when cortisol becomes chronically elevated.

Chronically high cortisol breaks muscle down.

Also makes it hard to lose body fat.

When cortisol remains high for too long…

Your body converts the amino acids that should be used for building muscle - and breaks them down to glucose to be used for energy[1].

Ok. He then mentions:

There’s a lot of things that cause high cortisol.

Lack of sleep is a big one.

Chronic stress is another.

I share this because he is a big fan of caffeine. He sells a pre-workout called Kino Octane. From an article Octane Mentioned on #1 Biohacker’s Podcast :

I recommend taking this in the morning.

Then reactivate the effects 2-3 hours later with a cup of coffee.

Have one more cup of coffee 30 minutes before your workout.

You will never want to go back to simply having coffee each day, this provides a superior euphoric feeling with focus.

Caffeine is known to elevates levels of cortisol. From Caffeine Blues:

With daily caffeine use, another stress hormone known as cortisol becomes elevated.

There’s more stuff in the book about cortisol. Cortisol/stress is a big theme in the book about why you shouldn’t consume caffeine.

A quick google search will turn up results about the relationship between caffeine and cortisol.

Just thought it was interesting how he talks about the health issues related to high levels of cortisol yet doesn’t talk about/doesn’t know about the role caffeine plays with cortisol. He instead sells a different supplement to help with high levels of cortisol (among other things). I think that was another a theme in Caffeine Blues. People are so used to caffeine consumption they don’t really give it much thought.

So I tried finding a way to share his newsletter. Some are articles. This one isn’t or isn’t one yet. Should I just copy and paste the whole thing in here? I guess I’m asking for future newsletter and stuff that don’t have a link to share.



Your body needs cortisol to function correctly.

It’s a stress response hormone that helps regulate metabolism, immune response, and blood pressure while providing quick energy when needed in challenging situations.

The problem is when cortisol becomes chronically elevated.

Chronically high cortisol breaks muscle down.

Also makes it hard to lose body fat.

When cortisol remains high for too long…

Your body converts the amino acids that should be used for building muscle - and breaks them down to glucose to be used for energy[1].

There’s a lot of things that cause high cortisol.

Lack of sleep is a big one.

Chronic stress is another.

And even cutting out carbs and following an idiotic carnivore and keto diet is another thing that can elevate cortisol.

Don’t ever cut carbs completely.

Your body needs protein, fats, AND carbs.

If you cut fats -or- carbs it messes with your T levels too.

Don’t follow some lame, restrictive diet.

  • Hit your protein numbers for the day
  • Hit your calories
  • Then get a balance of carbs and fats.

No need to track macros.

Just pay attention to calories and protein, and the carbs and fats should naturally fall into place.

But back to cortisol…

Chronically elevated cortisol levels not only impair your ability to gain muscle, it can destroy your ability to lose body fat[2].

It can make you insulin-resistant.

Insulin resistance from high cortisol levels makes it much more likely that any food you eat will get stored as body fat.

Here are some symptoms of high cortisol.

  • Fat gain around your midsection
  • Muscle weakness
  • Severe fatigue
  • Problems concentrating
  • Trouble sleeping

As I mentioned, getting sleep and eating a balanced diet will lower cortisol.

But there’s also impressive research on Tongkat Ali.

This study[3] showed Tongkat Ali reduces cortisol by 16% in just 4 weeks.

This study used 63 moderately stressed subjects (32 men and 31 women).

Subjects were given either 200 mg/day of standardized hot-water extract of Tongkat Ali root or a placebo for 4 weeks.

Stress hormones and moods were observed after 4 weeks.

The Tongkat Ali group increased testosterone levels by 37% and reduced cortisol levels by 16%.

The combo of high T and low cortisol will turn your physique around.

This is why Kino Mojo, which contains 400mg of Tongkat Ali, works so well.

In 6 months, Butnashyov from Hong Kong went from 180 lbs and 5’7 down to a chiseled 150 lbs.

He did this with Kino Mojo and the Movie Star program.

He lost 30 pounds in 6 months.

This is exactly 5 pounds of fat loss each month.

The combo of reduced cortisol and increased T can get guys past fat loss and muscle gain plateaus.

What is even better is that we have recently improved the Mojo formula.

  • Magnesium, Zinc (higher dose), and Boron (higher dose) to naturally unlock more free testosterone.
  • Forskohlii to burn fat and boost T.
  • Tongkat Ali (higher dose) the ultimate T-boosting hero ingredient.
  • Added Vitamin D3 and K2 to optimize recovery, health, and even improve your bones and teeth.

If your physique has looked the same for 6+ months.

You need to get this!

Kino Mojo (NEW formula)

You can look dramatically better by summer if you lock in now.

Talk Soon,

Greg O’Gallagher

I see your point about warning about cortisol and also promoting caffeine without warnings. That’s pretty bad.

You can quote relevant parts (I’m not that picky but some newsletters have multiple sections on multiple topics, so just quote the full section you’re talking about at most). If they’re particularly long, collapse them using “Hide Details” from the gear menu, like this:

Summary (this text can be edited)

long quote

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