Elliot Shares Links (2022)

What are some good books, articles, or education material on ethical sales and marketing techniques?

I haven’t read much PUA stuff. Are these kinds of sales techniques combarably manipulative to legit PUA? Or, does PUA have a more ethical way of persuasion?

Are PUA materials a good source for ideas about sales?

Quotes from article:

But why would asking about a person’s name be bothersome?

Asking about John Galt force’s people to confront the reason society is crumbling. It jolts people out of evading they knowledge that the motor that runs world is going away. In Eddie’s case, I think he just wants to be able to work and contribute to Tagart Transcontinental without having to worry about what’s going on with society. He wouldn’t know what to do about the problem even if he were to try and face it head on.

What kind of beggar isn’t interested in whether he gets money?

The beggar isn’t interested because he doesn’t really want to live. His fear of death is not a desire to live. And money is losing its proper place in the world as more and more of it is being grafted by the looters. Money can’t buy products of the mind so it’s not worth having.

In what kind of world does an intelligent person end up as a beggar? And how does that world compare to our own world?

An intelligent person ends up as a beggar in a world which doesn’t value the mind. There’s no role for people who want to think of ways to make things better because their progress is stopped by people take production and creation for granted. It’s a world where you can’t improve your life by thinking. If you do build something up, someone will just come take it from you by force. Your property right’s are not secure, so you have no way to secure the things needed to sustain your life.

That world is not exactly like our world but there are similarities. I guess, a lot of the differences are a matter of degree. There are still a decent number of people stiving to create wealth in our world but there are probably lots of people who have given up because their particular plans were squashed, or what they would have done in a free society just doesn’t exist in our world.

What low standards Eddie has to consider a street prosperous when around 20-25% of the stores are out of business! And this is New York City! Just like in real life, it’s one of the best cities…

That makes me think about how the Rust Belt of America has been hallowed out and cities in the Midwest that used to make so many things don’t do as much manufacturing. A lot of people accept that the lost of economic opportunity in America is just an inevitable step in path toward automation and globalization.

And why is Eddie clinging to memories instead of making his present life great?

Eddie is stuck on some problems that he doesn’t know how to solve. The problems with the world are bigger than any of the surface level degradation. The real problem is philosophical.

What do you think is great?

I think creating new knowledge is great. I think technology is great. I think producing things that people value enough to trade for is great.

The hero is more interested in railroads than winning battles, saving people from fires, climbing mountains, or Sunday sermons. Is she right?

She is right to focus on creating things that she values. Battles aren’t a central or necessary part of life. Creation is central and necessary. Saving people is good but it’s not the point of life either. You can make a better world where less people need saving. Climbing mountains can be novel or fun but it’s not enough to sustain one’s existence nor enough to make one what to sustain their own existence. Sunday sermons are attempts to deliver values rather than choosing values that will make you happy and proud to live. Expanding and developing the railroads are Dagny’s goal. She knows why this goal is good for her. The railroads are an excercise in creativity and the effort put into them multiplies so that she will have more resources to create even more.