Elliot's Microblogging

some things i thought about the video:

comcast just incinerates documents without a care for what they are, or trying to send them back? even if they are literally stuff like birth certificates? I find that kind of hard to believe, but then again I think nestle probably killed babies by trying to sell their mothers infant formula, so it wouldn’t be the worst thing a company has done.

I think shipping companies are pretty notoriously unreliable, but IDK what else the customer could do but trust them in that situation.

This seems like about the worst accident you could have in a shipping company with someones stuff, but I doubt the shipping company tried to do any sort of investigation into and how to fix it like with plane crashes. like they probably find this acceptable and don’t really care.

I think co-workers are known to be unreliable sometimes, so when you have something very high priority like this, that only you know how important it is, you should try to do it your self. IDK how realistic that is in the context of a job tho.