DD/TCS was right that children are treated badly.
But DD/TCS was wrong about how unique that is. Said it’s this one special case, the “final prejudice”. No.
Women are treated badly:
Old people are treated badly.
Black people are treated badly.
Men are treated badly in various ways. Check out some Men’s Rights Activism stuff. They have higher suicide rates, higher military enlistment rates, broadly do more dangerous jobs, go to prison more (and violence at prison remains very much not being fixed), and various other problems. And a lot of men get screwed regarding child custody, child support payments and alimony.
There’s a lot of anti-white racism now, as if more racism is the solution to some of the problems (both actual problems and confused propaganda) that other racial groups are having!?
And there was already plenty of discrimination against “white trash” and “rednecks” before wokeness and BLM.
There’s plenty of anti-Christian stuff now. Anti-semitism remains alive and well. No religious group (or atheists or agnostics) is just popular with everyone.
You know what?
Everyone is treated badly. Every group. Not all equally badly. But the treatment of like over half the population is awful and the treatment of the rest is subpar.
The world just sucks. That’s what’s going on here. DD/TCS noticed one part of that. Failed to notice the rest. Super biased.