Eternity Async Tutoring

ok brainstorm examples of digital and analog. 5-15min

This was pretty easy.

~10 minutes

  • digital
    • digital clocks
    • whole numbers
    • on and off switch
    • d-pad
    • exact
  • analog
    • analog circular clocks, watches
    • real number system
    • light, color
    • age?, time
    • temperature
    • speedometer
    • joystick
    • approximate

Does that part of the essay make sense now?

Pick a topic people would disagree about, state the topic, and write five one-sentence arguments about it (that you think are correct). under 15min.


People disagree about drug legalization/criminalization.

1.) The use of drugs should not be criminalized as the use (typically) only affects the person using it.
2.) De-criminalizing drugs does not mean translate into people suddenly not using drugs, they started for a reason.
3.) Drug de-criminalization is overrated in helping to prevent drug use as some people do actually avoid doing bad stuff because of laws.
4.) Drug legalization does not translate into people getting help for their problems.
5.) People have bad understandings as to why people use drugs leading to bad solutions in addressing drug use.

Spent around ~20 minutes? It was a bit more than intended as I started overthinking on what topic to do this with. So I just picked a topic at random and made myself focus on it. Time spent on thinking on the topic and arguments was about 12 minutes.

Thanks. Next can you try making five decisive arguments? Same topic or a different topic are both fine. 5-20min.

Do you already have software you can make tree diagrams in that you’re happy with?

What things do you evaluate ideas for? Different purposes/goals. - Introduction to Critical Fallibilism

Topic: Drug Legalization. The goals of drug legalization are roughly:

  • Reduce people going to jail

  • to allow people to safely/legally get help

  • reduce the dangers associated with the black market and illegal drugs

    • Drug legalization would directly reduce people going to jail because people would no longer be violating a law that sends them to jail.
    • Drug legalization does help with people not being scared to get help, since they no longer have a criminal label.
    • Drug legalization does not help with people actually getting help as the legal status of drugs is quite irrelevant to why people do them.
    • People start doing drugs and get addicted to them for various reasons, proponents of drug legalization ignore this and proceed to only focus on methods to allow users to get help.
    • Drug legalization theoretically does help with reducing black markets associated with the drugs, however governments implement legalization so poorly that the black markets typically still persist.

Spent around ~19 minutes.

I’ve used Mindnode in the past for mind-mapping some stuff. I believe I could do tree diagrams with it? I’m not particularly attached to it though. I’ve barely used it.

I use MindNode for some of my trees. It’s fine.

What do you know about trees? Do you know what a child node, parent, grandparent, grandchildren, root, leaf and subtree are?

Have you read Idea Trees Links and some stuff it links?

Pretty much know nothing about trees. I’ve read Idea Trees Links in the past. I didn’t take in much though. It was primarily just me reading random stuff that seemed interesting on the CF website.

OK I reviewed your arguments and the other stuff and think we should work on building up some skills, starting with trees. Start reading Idea Trees Links and its links but stop and let me know if you’re not understanding.

Start with the first two sections at Discussion Trees · Elliot Temple to learn some terminology.

Done. I read the first two sections of Discussion Trees. I listened to the rest using TTS while doing chores. I saw the tree about making idea trees and read Tracking Discussions.

I read Path Forwards and Judging Experts by the Objective State of the Debate. I also read and browsed through the trees mentioned in the article and just glanced at a couple in the shared file.

Everything seemed pretty clear to me. I don’t feel like I had any issues understanding any of the stuff.

Great. Make a tree where each node has a number and a terminology like grandparent of 9.

Great. Try making an idea tree, where you break something into parts, sub-parts and sub-sub-parts.

OK, let’s see if you can figure out how to tree these. This might be too hard.

John threw big rocks.

