Genshin Impact

that comment from enviosity makes me feel like i should wait and not spend many primogems.

i think i have already waited a lot tho without thinking, so waiting more also feels like a bad idea.

idk how to think about this.

according to a single thing i read version 1.7 would come out in like 6 weeks. so that seems like it would be a lot of waiting

envy is giving advice for ppl who get weirdly obsessed with characters and really want them, and then are super tempted to spend money or feel bad about missing out on the char they are emotionally into.

i think you’re closer to me and not really that attached to any of the characters, so it doesn’t matter that much IMO. i’d recommend in general to spend wishes sooner rather than later so you get more stuff and make the game more fun now.

my best guess is we won’t be getting dendro for at least 12 weeks. saving to wish on the first dendro chars was one of my ideas (new element is nice) but i don’t think it should be done yet.

either that or for ppl who wanna min/max and get the very best chars. so they should wait for whales to review chars and then wish on the most powerful banners.

oh i think i see tweets like that a lot or something. E.g:

in this tweet, he responds to his own tweet showing a cute anime girl coming to genshin impact, then responds with a meme showing that he is poor and probably cant afford to get her.

yeah Genshin makes a lot of money from ppl who like the art and personalities of the new “waifus”.

I don’t think Eula, Klee or Kazuha are amazing but they’re all fine (idk if anything in the game is really amazing, actually…). Klee is short range and needs specific team comps and strategies to set her up to melt and vape her big attacks. Eula is said to be a little weaker dps than the top 3 (ganyu, hu-tao, xioa). Kazuha uses EM and is a support who seems kinda similar to sucrose. his ult looks like sucrose ult but a big bigger but it doesn’t pull in.

i’m wishing on Klee banner cuz i want fischl and sucrose constellations. don’t really want Klee but don’t mind. i got Eula and reset my pity b/c i didn’t want to waste pity on Klee or wait a long time. i don’t have many primos tho. i might spend my glitter. in the long run, FYI, the best way to use glitter is for wishes, cuz that helps you get more 5stars. if you buy characters in the shop then you’re lowering your long term 5star count.

for kazuha banner idk if i’ll wish at all. i don’t have rosaria and want her, but i don’t want ben or razor constellations.

5 stars are more important to think about, but doing some wishes and stop at c2 beidou would be reasonable.

about 5 stars: my current feeling is to skip eula, skip klee, wish on kazuha.

klee seems kinda interesting with her bombs, she seems a bit different to play than more normal characters

Klee is short range and needs specific team comps and strategies to set her up to melt and vape her big attacks.

that seems bad

i feel like id rather of klee than eula. i havnt thought much about how either of them play.

also 8 minutes left on eula banner. i think im gonna wish for some constellations

the inazuma banner 5stars are probably a pyro archer and ayaka (who was in closed beta ages ago so her abilities are already known. seem OK imo). so you could consider if those sound like things you’d particularly care about.

did 15 wishes. at 20 pity 5 star. got xinyan c3.

wish 16 Sacrificial Sword

i’ve read that klee and yanfei have a problem of putting out too much fire, so if you XQ ult then spam their stuff, you end up getting fire element on the enemy. that means XQ is getting vapes while your main dps is not. in general, to get good dps, you wanna have your main dps triggering melt or vape, which means you need to keep ice or water on the enemy.

some chars/abilities put more “gauge” of elements on enemies. each ability adds like 1, 2 or sometimes 4 stacks (“gauge”) of an element to an enemy. there’s info about it in some places including the keqing mains google doc.

RIP. u could go more unless you wanna save your low pity rolls to get sucrose next banner.

i just did 4 rolls. 5star pity:25, 4 star pity:4.

i was gonna try to get 1 more 4 star but your commetn about waiting for sucruse seems like it makes more sense

you don’t actually need to worry about details like that to clear abyss 12 but i think they’re important for getting 36 star abyss clear. (or just swipe for 5star weapons and don’t learn what you’re doing. that works too…)

2 minutes left on eula. current plan is skip her and probably skip klee, then probably wish on kazuha even tho i havnt looked into him much UNLESS there is a character i am very particularly interested in that will come out on a banner after kazuha

it would be so much easier/better if i thought about wishing on banners like 5 days before it expires

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