I think that it could be “evolution” but I don’t have a clear enough understanding of why it is or isn’t yet
I think that would need to be sorted out before discussing a more complicated case like AlphaZero. Do you agree?
I agree.
And have you read FoR?
Not as much as BoI. I was trying to reference this idea:
“two conditions must hold for an entity to be a cause of its own replication: first, that the entity is in fact replicated; and second, that most variants of it, in the same situation, would not be replicated.”
For the first condition I could say that specific chess moves for specific board states are stored in the neural network (in the form of weights and biases) and will be replicated in future playouts or “real” games.
And for the second point I gave this example:
“Any other randomly selected move would not be copied because they would all lead to an eventual game loss.”
I wanted to point out that not any random, generic chess move is being selected. It’s a very specific variant of all the possible chess moves. Random moves would simply be ignored. And most of the possible moves are random moves. So most of the possible variants would be ignored.
“For X to be a cause of Y, two conditions must hold: first, that X and Y both happen;
and second, that Y would not have happened if X had been otherwise.”
X - a move for a given board state wins the game
Y - the move is stored in the neural network of AZ
If X were otherwise (such as a randomly selected move that didn’t bring AZ any advantage) then Y would not have happened.
“In general, we may say that an event X causes an event Y in our universe if both X and
Y occur in our universe, but in most variants of our universe in which X does not happen, Y does not happen either.”
An issue I ran into here is that it seems the the chess move X would be the same in all the variants of our universe. Like there aren’t some variants where knight to e5 wins the game for board state S, and some variants where knight to e5 doesn’t win the game for the same board state S.