LMD Async Tutoring

I’ve skipped some questions you asked Eternity because they seemed more specifically targeted at them.

and(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1) = 0

False unless all inputs are true.

True unless all inputs are false

True unless all inputs are identical.

Actually xor I am unsure on for multiple inputs. Is xor only true if one input is true, or is it only true if the inputs aren’t identical?

Xor or either-or means ‘either input but not both’. ‘Either’ seems to imply binary inputs to me. So I’m not sure how this extends to multiple inputs. It could mean ‘some inputs but not all’, or it could mean ‘any one input but not more’.

I know that a negated xor gate is an equality(xnor) gate. If this is still true with multiple inputs then my one sentence description of xor is right.