Max Learning Objectivism (Spoilers for AS & FH)

Another example where this type of thinking showed up is the blog post you made unendorsing your past views. You stated in your video that your views had significantly improved, and you wanted an easy to find line in the sand between before and after.

Do you see how wanting to draw that line and separate your ideas into “before” and “after” some change is related to your views about Dagny and her arc from flawed to unflawed?

Recently – about a year after you made the video unendorsing your old views – you made another blog post about how you were “so very wrong” about something. (You also posted about it in the forum.)

I’m not saying you were wrong to post about your mistake. But do you see how your “line in the sand” doesn’t really work? You made a major error after you said you were going to be more careful and more serious about philosophy. And if you try to make a “line in the sand” with this one, you are just going to have the same problem again in the future.

The whole idea of trying to have a “fresh start” and saying everything going forward counts, and the stuff from before doesn’t count, is flawed in a similar way to your views on Dagny (the flawed to unflawed character arc). It is anti-beginning of infinity. You keep thinking that NOW you’re past the mistakes, and going forward you will be careful & things will be better & you will stop making such egregious mistakes.

(There are attitudes you can have to minimize the impact or damage of your mistakes, to make them easier to find and change. But having an attitude that you are now past the mistakes is not the way to do that. It is actually counter-productive to trying to do that.)