Max Learning Objectivism (Spoilers for AS & FH)

This seems like the most important thing.

There are some easy things to plan, like revisiting/revising grammar and explicitly practicing more. I still break down some sentences and do outlines, so it’s fairly easy for me to do this more and more explicitly when I do (e.g., writing them out instead of doing some stuff mentally – I do both atm, but mostly mentally).

Similarly with text analysis.

I have some questions, though.

How can I judge this? If I’m moving on too quickly atm after learning something, then isn’t something about my self-judgment broken?

There are some ideas that come to mind, like w/ grammar I could set a breakpoint like correctly analyze 100 sentences consecutively. Is that sort of thing okay as a way to tell if practice (2) is sufficient?

Another idea might be to pay more attention to errors and then, when they happen, to go back to (1) or (2) and focus on things that are specifically related to the error.

I could also post answers here to get error correction from other people, but 100 grammar trees is a lot to check, and I don’t think it’s reasonable that I should expect forum members to do that. So I think I need something less reliant on other ppl. Mb this isn’t a big issue atm though and I shouldn’t worry about it.

I’m not sure how I’d approach things from a math POV instead of english – in part because I’ve done a lot more math stuff (both in school and since then via coding). That’s one reason I’m interested more in analysis/writing. Also b/c writing is an essential skill for interacting via text (e.g., here, on this forum).

Not sure if this is worth thinking about, but wanted to mention.

Do you have like a dependency tree for this sort of thing?

One concern I have is what next? Like, grammar, text analysis, and writing are some things to start with. You suggest IGC related stuff might come next, but I don’t really have an idea what that would look like, nor what other topics might be along-side that (if any), nor what would come after.

Looking at Tutoring Video Activities (renamed from June Learning) - #56 by Elliot – there’s multiple things in videos 48-52 that are relevant (and which I don’t remember), so I’m thinking some of these Qs I’m asking are not worth considering atm. Better to revisit those episodes first. Like IGCs in 52, and 3/8 to 7/8 of 51.

My motivation for asking the above is that I don’t have a clear idea of what those iterations would be (besides the topics mentioned). I think not having a clear path makes it harder to convince myself that it’s what I should focus on. I know how focusing on those things has helped me in the past, though, which is something.

This has improved a bit over the past year – regular exercise is one example. But I know there’s work for me to do there, too.

I’m not sure what to do with things like this thread (particularly LO and discussing AS). I think it was good that I read AS, but it seems like focusing too much on AS (which is one of the topics I want to discuss) would be counter-productive. Or that it’d be counter-productive relative to a more structured, long-term approach.

I could read FH/AS again (or other Rand books) and do grammar/text analysis/writing practice using examples/topics from those, is that sort of thing safe or wise to do?