MC does subconscious analysis

I disagree. I don’t attempt to evade ownership of my subconscious thoughts. I don’t try to claim they’re someone else or that they’re not my responsibility.

I think you’ve badly misunderstood me here. I don’t think you paid attention to what I said.

I said “Unless I actually agree with my intuitions” and I don’t think you integrated that into your response. This is very important context that you seem to have dropped. I am not in any way denying ownership of my intuitions.

I’m saying I’m not going to criticise someone else unless I have a criticism that I do not have internal conflicts about. That’s not to say I wont go back to them later after I’ve analysed my intuition and worked out if I agree or disagree with it. I just want to do the work of analysing it first and resolving my internal conflicts without posting in someone else’s topic. I think it’s a respectful way of using a forum, as doing this analysis in someone else’s topic can be confusing to the OP and other readers. I don’t generally want to criticise someone unless I’m first unconflicted about it.

I agree that I often think my subconscious is wrong. I’ve previously admitted to that and mentioned one of my methods to rectify it in a conversation with you.

I’ve shown that I’m self-aware that I treat it badly and shown that I’m actively working to communicate with it better. It’s something that I may be very bad at currently, but I think you’re also very badly misunderstanding me with these claims.

I’m uncomfortable with who I am. I have a lot of internal conflicts that I have not resolved. I don’t know how to present myself as the kind of person I actually am.

I have resistance to doing subconscious analysis. This seems like a typical problem to have when trying to do subconscious analysis. I don’t think this is contrary to my framing. I don’t think I’ve hidden that I have resistance to it as I’ve talked about my difficulty in communicating well with my subconscious.

I don’t think I can usefully guess about what disagreement you think I have with CF’s perspective. I don’t know what you mean by that and don’t know where to start. It may be in an area of CF that I have no knowledge of at all.

The subject of not taking ownership of my intuitions is a frequently repeated point in your post. I may be writing about them in a way that is confusing, which may be why you have drawn that conclusion. I think it is not uncommon for people to evade ownership of the ideas they have which they dislike, you may have assumed that I’m doing it for that reason.

Is there another way to write about intuitions that you would not interpret as me othering my intuition or denying ownership of them? I can’t think of one. I think it’s important to be clear when I’m talking about intuitions which I have conflict with and I don’t fully understand that I’m uncertain or ambivalent, and that it’s not the whole of me drawing that conclusion but part of me. If I don’t have conflicts with an intuition I don’t think I would reference them at all; I’d just say what I think without added qualifiers.