Notes on “The Choice” by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Efrat Goldratt-Ashlag

This isn’t analysis. It’s restatement plus changing something to a synonym ( “complex” to “complicated”).

This is restatement not analysis. It changes some word forms like “weighting” to “weigh”.

This is restatement not analysis. There are two main changes. The first is restating the grammatical subject of “are”. The second is changing “qualitatively different” to “incommensurable” which isn’t a reasonable synonym.

JM has done grammar and text analysis at other times. But here it seems like he used some high school homework autopilots.

The purpose of the changes (like synonyms, word forms, and adding in an implied word) is to obscure what’s being done. Restatement with no changes wouldn’t look like thinking. It probably wouldn’t even fool a teacher who is barely paying attention.

Pointing out errors like this is basically thankless and also doesn’t fix the root causes. And there are way too many errors that could be pointed out.

It’s good practice for people who don’t have a lot of experience with it already, though. In other words, most audience members who noticed it would have benefitted by saying it. I think a bunch of people were fooled.

It’s not just JM who should appreciate the correction. It’s all those readers too. The strategy of hiding your errors with silence isn’t very good. It’s hoping for biased attention towards issues that people speak about. I guess the main point is to fool themselves, which does work pretty well. Similarly, the people who didn’t try at all can be judged for that choice. It’s meaningful.

People don’t appreciate this kind of correction because they don’t do anything productive with it. That is itself something important to understand and address, but the lead isn’t appreciated because people spend their lives trying to hide from their problems.

People don’t want to organize their lives and plan how to improve. This thread about The Choice contains no framing about AF’s goals. There’s no bigger picture about what plan it fits into and why that’s a good plan. It’s more of an isolated concrete – a tree not a forest. Similarly, there’s a lack of framing, goals or planning in JM’s posts about ET’s liberalism article. JM will likely stop and do something else before achieving something significant, considering there’s no clear goal. Like he watched some Max tutoring videos but then stopped without explanation.

Other people are broadly doing worse – it’s hard to find things that look like they even might be attempts to improve. For example, anon20 said they would study some CF stuff Personal Budgeting + Finance Help - #38 by anonymous20 and then just didn’t. They wasted people’s time giving them guidance about what to do and then didn’t do any of it. Other people also have agreed to try to learn something and then just not done it.