Project Summary:
Play Baba is You for 10 mins any level. After that brainstorm 5 separate words that describe the play session. Goal:
Get better at Baba Is You
Learn more in Baba Is You
Find more to say about the game Success criteria (& optional failure criteria):
Play the game for 10 mins. Say 5 separate words in bullet points that describe the play session. The words could describe something that happened or a feeling that happened. Big picture goal, why you want to do this, or CF relevance:
Learn more about what a project is. Get more opinions about projects. Find something I like doing. Plan:
Play Baba Is You while looking the clock sometimes.
Play until it’s ten mins later
Go to forum and make a reply to this post
The reply will say I finished playing and have bullet points of me brainstorming words.
Context: (optional – fill out or delete the context section) In Baba Is You, I have 176 dandelions and 10 flowers. I want to find something I like doing. I also want to maybe make more connections to the things I like doing.
I did play the game for ten mins and said 5 words in bullet points that describe my feelings and thoughts and something that happened. The project is a success.
I learned how to beat a level in the game and I do have more to say with just using 5 words to describe the session.
Other notes
I got into brainstorming mode after the second word in the list. It was cool. Im gonna try to do like 10 words next time.
I like the brainstorming part cuz it was like in school when sometimes we get to do creative projects that we have more input in and it’s not just “circle the correct answer” work.
Lately, I’ve been asking myself if I’m liking what I do. It’s interesting cuz I kind of stop myself from doing the usual posting activities I do and then I just don’t do them. I wonder if that’s a good thing or not.