Practice Adding Single Digit Numbers[Dface]

Project Summary:
Practice adding single digit numbers
Get slightly faster at adding single digit numbers
Success criteria (& optional failure criteria):
The at the end of the practice is faster than the time at the beginning of the practice
Big picture goal, why you want to do this, or CF relevance:
Practice small skills, impress friends and family, build up to bigger skills.
Go to The Math Worksheet -- Addition: Numbers up to 20
create a worksheet with random problems
time myself for one sheet of problems(20 problems)
practice for 10 mins
then time myself again after practicing
Context: (optional – fill out or delete the context section)
Sometimes i use math and add numbers for friends or family. I sometimes have to add numbers in a game. I would like to practice adding to have an easier time

Time of first set of 20 random addition problems: 14.59 seconds

After ten minutes of practice: 12.47 seconds

Success criteria (& optional failure criteria):

My time at end of the practice is shorter so I got the success criteria. I think next time I’ll try to check differences between the first and last test. Since the worksheets are random I could get easy questions on the first test and get harder questions on the last. Maybe next time I can take a pic and time myself on the same pic in the end.


The time was faster but I don’t know for sure if I got it with the same difficulty.

Other notes:
I might try this one more time try and then practice adding one constant addend and with a random addend. That way the practice is more controlled

Attempt #2:
After practicing, I’m gonna take a picture of the first worksheet I timed myself on, and time myself on that worksheet at the end of the practice.

Time of first set of 20 addition problems: 11.75 seconds

Time of first set of 20 addition problems after practice: 11.39 ( I missed tapping stop on the stopwatch so I think the time is acutally ~11.0 seconds when I actually finished)

Success criteria (& optional failure criteria):

The time at the end of practice was faster than at the beginning so I was successful.


You know what I still can’t kind of tell if I’m getting faster at adding single digit numbers, but I did get faster on adding one of the worksheets so that means something.

Other notes:
I thought I was going choke and mess up my adding at the last test, but I felt calmer and saw myself add without trying so hard. That was nice. Going at a consistent pace like that is similar to typing when I think about it.