Practice Spelling Letters[Dface]

Project Summary:
Practice spelling letters on 's 100 most common words typing test. Practice spelling the first line of words on a test. Time myself on the first set of words and after the practice time myself on the same first set of words.
Get a faster time spelling out the first set the of words when done practicing.
Success criteria (& optional failure criteria):
Get a faster time when I time myself after practice.
Big picture goal, why you want to do this, or CF relevance:
Practice small skills and maybe help bigger skills
Get on 100 most common words 15/30/60 second test
Time myself spelling the first line of words on the test
Practice for ten minutes
Time myself again spelling out the first set of words
Context: (optional – fill out or delete the context section)
I sometimes spell words out for colleagues, friends, or family. Maybe having an easier time spelling words will help with reading in general.

Time of first set of words: 21.60 seconds

Time of first set of words after practice: 18.80 seconds (but one error misspelling last word)

Success criteria (& optional failure criteria):

I got a faster time the second time I spelled the first set of words so that means I was successful. Even though I misspelled the last word I still had an easier time spelling everything and was faster.


The time was faster. I don’t know if it’s bad if the success criteria is the same as the goal.

Other notes:
Only thing I don’t like about the spelling is my throat starts to hurt from spelling out loud. The experience of spelling out words startied feeling very similar to typing them. I don’t know how to describe it but when I was spelling i thought I was actually typing instead.