Project - Learn CF + Note Down any Problems with Learning CF

You aren’t matching what you’re doing to your capabilities. You’re choosing to do way less. You aren’t making significant progress and are not on a path where you ever will.

You’re sabotaging UEG’s guild. You’re pushing to get yourself into a position of responsibility, power, status and attention. But you know that you’re flakey and can’t be counted on. It’s very common that flakey people get roles like that, quit, and destroy guilds. But you don’t have to be the one to do it. You could let other people do more management and hope one of them is actually a responsible person who won’t flake. You’re preventing other people – some of whom might potentially be more responsible and long-term oriented – from getting leadership roles by hogging stuff for yourself. You’re making implicit promises to follow through which you are going to break.

You are bad at the game, indirectly realized you’re bad at the game … and switched goals instead of figuring out how to get good. You find learning/skill opportunities and just don’t do them or even recognize them. Theoretically, you could try to apply philosophy to outcompete other people at the game, but 1) you don’t really know anything about philosophy 2) you just give up and don’t try when faced with hard things, rather than trying to get better.

Once you’re max level you still won’t be able to play with UEG because you’ll still be worse at the game than him.

Also your spreadsheets are apparently wrong. A quick skim of the New World subreddit indicates that random reddit comments know way more about the game than you. You’re bad at learning anything – you’re doing a bad job and don’t realize it, don’t recognize what you could be doing better – have no idea objectively how well you’re doing or what you should even try to improve at. But anyway, there aren’t fixed ratios for how many iron ore it takes to get a starmetal. It depends on refiners used. And refiners, not ore, might be the bottleneck according to one comment (i have not played the game and have no idea if that’s true). And also someone else said they can harvest 2000 fiber in under and hour and those sell for .6g on their server and they can buy iron for 1g so that’s 1200 iron in under an hour by not harvest iron directly. I have no idea what’s actually efficient for getting in game wealth, but you seem to have no idea what you’re doing, are not efficient, and aren’t actually learning to do things well. You’re doing things wrong without realizing it, rather than learning much or doing well.

The reason you think your buddies in the guild are similar to you is because you don’t know them well, are filling in any blanks you don’t know with wishful thinking, and also are ignoring all the red flags about how they’re super different than you.

It’s what people often do with new relationship energy and e.g. their mistress. They haven’t talked with her much yet and imagine she understands them and has the same goals as them. They fill in the blanks with wishful thinking. Once they know her better, they realize she’s not what they imagined or wanted. But they’ll ignore 50 red flags before finally repetition and severity of problems gets through their thick head.

This cycle of moving on to things that seem easy and seem to work right away – just because you don’t understand the problems yet – is part of how people chronically avoid problem solving.

You just recently said you’d try to prove you’re a good learner worth helping, who puts actual work into philosophy, but then immediately flaked before doing even one significant step. You didn’t get help with something you wanted and instead got feedback that you were not a suitable person to invest help in and were told how to earn it. You’re now acting like you didn’t listen and willfully forgot that. Then you’re like “it’s cool if i flake on FI and just try later right?” No, you’re a bad person to mentor and you’re proving it right now. And you’re alienating your startup too. You asked people for help figuring out how to get started learning here then wasted their time by not doing it. You didn’t keep up your end of the deal. People are learning that they shouldn’t invest even tiny amounts of help in you, like even answering one short question, because you ask for resources carelessly and don’t make an effort to pay back what you ask for and keep up your end of the deal.

You’re not sleeping enough and you’re not prioritizing work and you’re doing a bad job at work. You’re abusing telecommuting to sit in front of a PC and play games during work. You’re doing stuff that you know would get you lectured/fired/etc in an office. People like you are why there has been so much resistance to telecommuting in the world. You (the 80%, most ppl) ruin it for the rest of us. You have to be monitored in person to keep you working. And you acted like the straight A tryhard student for a while, so they thought you were one of the good ones who should get promotions and stuff. So it’s really hard to screen for because people are so fake and temporarily try and then become the lazy ones and hide it and try to coast on their old reputation.

New World’s pvp balancing team is just as incompetent as a bunch of their other teams. Everything Wrong With New World's Game Balance - YouTube

UEG has also posted several very negative videos about New World.

I will watch Asmongold’s review later My Full Review of New World after Playing 500+ Hours - YouTube

I have not played New World myself and don’t intend to.

Two more negative New World reviews: