About the Projects category

Structured, organized attempts to achieve goals like learning. Use the project template.

When you create a topic in the Projects category, your initial post will have a template to fill out. Give an answer for each section (project summary, goal, plan, other people, and context). The questions give guidance on what that section is about. You don’t need to (and probably shouldn’t) answer each question. Your project must be related to CF somehow.

At the end of a project, you must write a conclusion. Did you succeed or fail? What went right and wrong? What could you do better next time? What did you learn? If you failed, how and why did you fail? Do a post mortem. If you succeeded, explain how you know you succeeded, what you achieved, and what the benefits were. The conclusion must be clearly labelled; use “# Project Conclusion” as the first line. You may only do one project at a time; conclude your project before starting another.

There’s also a Mini Projects category with a simplified template for smaller projects. You may have three active mini projects at once in addition to one regular project. If you don’t want to do a structured project with a specified goal, consider posting in the Unbounded or Other category.

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