Apricus - Meta-Discussion of my Emotions and Diagnosing My Difficulty Engaging with FI Long-term

Video uploading now: https://youtu.be/K9WO_HLH5sA

Should be up and processed in ~45 minutes. Didn’t get far, like 1.5 sections into the post, out of 6 sections. Went on a lot of tangents. I think it’s a useful experience to help diagnose problems in my learning and process. Seems like I read very slowly if I let myself explore the tangents that come up in my mind, but maybe that is OK. Next time I want to give myself more time to have creative exploration and not have to cut it off early (my brother and his wife went to bed and I don’t want to disturb them)

I’ll go sleep now and I think I’ll sleep better tonight having done this. Main things I feel bad about not doing today: No exercise, no PM course progress, and didn’t get much sleep last night, and didn’t fill out my calendar yesterday like I said I would do this morning. There are more things I think I missed, and I’ll likely remember them as I go to bed, but I’ll need to figure out a way to empty my mind and be at peace while sleeping, having some faith in myself that I will work on it the next day and keep making progress. If I’m too hard on myself and expect too much from each day, then I ruin my own sleep quality, and then sleep deprivation just snowballs on itself and makes it hard to learn and recover from that stuff. I also didn’t pull any examples for the other thread so that I could give people a chance to analyze and defend themselves from the accusations I made, and so that CF could also improve if it did make any mistakes that contributed to the problems I wrote that I experienced

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