Elliot Shares Links (2021)

Companies (e.g. phone and mobile app companies) sell data. They take some steps to make it more anonymous but location data sets which give many locations at many times for a single unique identifier aren’t really anonymous even though they leave out your name.


Should be a direct link to the section

Apple Adds a Backdoor to iMessage and iCloud Storage

which has a bunch of links.


Afghanistan going poorly.


Healthcare works very badly sometimes. Sometimes they basically just won’t listen to or believe patients about problems.

They airbrush videos to look pretty now. There are apps and it’s not even very hard now.


US hospital basically refuses to give a possible roofie+rape victim tests (to find out if she was raped or roofied or not), care, morning after pill (Catholic hospital), etc.


Amish kids do want to watch TV, instead of preferring the culture their parents force on them:



had no idea that’s how you make a shower poof

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so much harassment of women :(

Fraud protection for online orders, from small biz seller pov, is bad.


I used to play World of Tanks, also from Wargaming.

I’ve heard about this before… doctors, especially male ones, dismissing the symptoms of female patients. There’s been a terrible history of women having their concerns supressed under the label of “hysteria” or overly being worried over nothing. Sam Harris shared a story of a doctor in the 70s (unsure of exact decade) who didn’t tell a female patient she had cancer. She went to a library, looked up her symptoms, and put together the diagnosis. The doctor told the husband, who kept it from the wife, and the wife kept it from the husband to protect him. So the family suffered for a while (IIRC at least a year) simply because nobody told each other what they knew that they thought the other side didn’t know. It sucks as a cultural background for us to have to overcome and it still happens to this day. Definitely seems like women should be seeing female doctors for the majority of their visits.


I think female doctors are less likely to downplay the female patient’s concerns and more likely to e.g. refer them to a specialist rather than try to treat the issue with tylenol or tell them to wait for symptoms to worsen. This is just based on a few reddit threads I read though, so I’m not super confident in that assertion. So many posts on /r/TwoXChromosomes specifically talk about doctor’s visits and how bad they can get sometimes, either from harassment or negligence or both. Often when the poster finds a way to get a female doctor, the issue is solved and they’re able to get the medical care they are looking for.

Edit: Just did a search on /r/TwoXChromosomes for “Doctor” and got this thread from 19 days ago: Reddit - Dive into anything

When I was 9 years old, I went to multiple doctors that told my parents I was faking being sick to get out of school or that it was all in my head. All male doctors. The 7th doctor, female doctor, I saw decided to do a blood draw only to find out it was a ruptured appendix. I was rushed to surgery and told afterwards that I had less than a week to live when they caught it.

I was a mess and this left alot of scar tissue in me. I had some pain due to scar tissue after the surgery but was too afraid of doctors to tell anyone. Over the next 15 years complications increased, including terrible back pain.

And the top comment:

This is how I nearly died of meningitis! This old male doctor was convinced I was faking to get out of school and refused to admit me to the hospital. I was experiencing the worst headaches of my life, keeled over on the floor, asking my parents if I’m dying. This MFer wouldn’t believe me even after I had scans done that showed inflammation in the lining of my brain. Still everyone thought I was faking, then my dad got on the phone and threatened the doctor if he didn’t admit me. Still wouldn’t, so my old pediatrician stepped in and admitted me. Wouldn’t you know it, I had meningitis and was put on such a large cocktail of opiates, I was unconscious for 10 days straight.
Don’t get me started on period pain, 20+ yrs to finally get diagnosed with endometriosis AND adenomyosis.

This also looks like it has overlap with doctors thinking children are faking symptoms to avoid school, which is awful. Nobody should have to see 7+ doctors to be taken seriously. It might be a coincidence that the first female doctor was the one that paid serious attention to the issue but I think being female + a child is a dangerous place to be when it comes to any sort of medical credibility or having your concerns taken seriously.

A blood draw is such a simple procedure too and like the first step in any diagnostic procedure. It means the other 6 doctors were so confident in their diagnosis of “Faking it to get out of school” that they didn’t do a simple test to rule out their own hypothesis. Shameful imo.

You should look up data from studies instead of finding anecdotes that confirm your existing opinions. This is a typical display of biased thinking.