LMD Async Tutoring

Okay, moving on to the next assignment:

Assignment: Using {and, or, not}, construct xor, nor, implies and equality.

My working:

nor is just not(or)

xor is true if the inputs are different, and false if they’re the same.

identity is true if the inputs are same, and false if they’re different.

right so not(xor) = identity and not(identity) = xor

So I remembered noticing that bi-conditional (i.e if and only if) had the same outputs as EQUALITY. And I remember that bi-conditional was two conditionals going both ways ‘anded’ together.


and(x⇒y, y⇒x) = x⇔y = equality

I knew from previously that equality was equivalent to xnor so:

not(equality) = xor

so if I can express IMPLIES in AND, NOT, OR, I can express them all. I remembered from my reading trying to understand the conditional operator that the expression P⇒Q was equivalent to ~PvQ so

implies = or(not(x), y)

so all of them expressed in terms of OR, NOT, AND:

nor = not(or)
implies = or(not(x), y)
equality = and(or(not(x), y), or(not(y), x))
xor = not(and(or(not(x), y), or(not(y), x)))


Table working:

I don’t think I like, figured figured this out. Think the important/hard bits of this were luckily solved by things I happened to encounter already and couldn’t claim to fully understand. I don’t know if I would’ve figure out the fact that ~p v q is equivalent to p ⇒ q on my own.