Think of an Idea For a Mini-Project

Project Summary:
Brainstorm an idea for a mini project.
Think of an idea for a mini project.
Success criteria (& optional failure criteria):
A sentence that has an idea for a mini project.
Big picture goal, why you want to do this, or CF relevance:
Form another opinion on projects. Maybe I dont just hate them. Maybe theres more to a project than it seeming like just a bunch of steps i cant do.
Think of an idea for a project. Think of something I can do that I like but that also leads to CF prerequisites.
Context: (optional – fill out or delete the context section)
I read some of @ActiveMind’s latest grammar project and it seemed interesting to learn how to do one. I like how you can accomplish a bigger task from doing tiny tasks.

I thought of it already while writing the post: learn to play the piano in a CF related way.

Wait that sounds like a big project. Huh I thought it was small before I wrote it.

That is an idea but for a mini project i dont think so. A mini project I think is more specific than that like what write a sentence with a verb, subject, and object.

I didnt succeed cuz what I said wasnt a mini project. Im thinking mini means something thats based on what the person is able to do without a lot of effort. So it depends. Learning the paino is a already a big thing for me.

I like how projects are like playing Baba is You cuz you can change the project success criteria from say write a sentence with subject, verb, and object to write a sentence with only a subject, verb, and object. Thats like when you get an extra level in Baba is You thats like the previous level but with less text to play with.

I don’t think you only have one chance, that’s not what the success criteria says anyways. I’m not sure if you meant that you failed the project, or only that the last sentence didn’t meet the success criteria.

So I think you still have 3 days to come up with a mini project idea before the project is considered a failure.

My plan before I joined the forum was to do three mini projects and then do grammar learning as a normal project. I had the idea for arithmetic trees, but I didn’t know what to do for the other two mini projects. I wanted the other two mini projects to be progressively harder, but I couldn’t really come up with ideas for that. In a way I did what you are doing now (privately and non-structured as opposed to you), which was to have a mini project to find mini projects to do. Doing exactly three mini projects wasn’t too important though, what mattered was to have a succession of progressively harder projects. So I would say it was a success even if I didn’t do three mini projects. I changed my plan and I like the way it turned out.

You can have a mini project for exploring something. That’s what I did with FI Grammar Article Part 1 [AM]. It was easier and it let me know I could do the rest of the article just fine.

Thats true! It wouldve said “only have one chance to think of an idea” if I did have one chance.

I did mean I failed but I see how I could try more to think of an idea

Oh I just saw the two projects you linked are mini projects. Ok thats good to know what a minu project can be

That sounds good. It’s like exploring a new area in a video game. You dont have to beat it but youre accomplishing something by learning more about the area

I think mini projects can be easier than the ones I did. They were just reasonably easy for me to do in three days.

Here’s what I would do if I did this project now:

  1. Brainstorm a list of projects to do
  • Don’t be too critical of quality of the ideas, just do many
  • The proposed projects can be harder than learning to play the piano
  • They can be really simple projects, like: Press a button on my keyboard
  1. Come up with a reason that each project idea is too difficult, for the projects I think would be too difficult
  • If this limits how many ideas I would brainstorm because more ideas would mean more ideas I’d have to go through and judge, then I wouldn’t oblige myself to give a reason for every idea. I think it’s better to have more ideas than judge every idea
  1. Try to come up with an idea to make each of the brainstormed projects easier. For example instead of starting to learn the piano, just learn what each note is called (I don’t know how easy that is, there may be many notes)
  2. Try to think of what an exploration project would be for each idea

This isn’t what I did when trying to find mini projects to do, but I think it would have been good to do.

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Oh ok it’s cool that you can choose your time frame

Yeah something smaller like that sounds much better to learn

Im gonna think of an idea for a mini-project:
Play Baba is You for 10 mins and list one thing I learned.

Practice typing for 10 mins and write something I learned.

Something easy to give me an idea of what a mini project is

Something I can learn from

Do something that accomplishes a goal

Do something I like

Playing a few notes on the paino from a song i like and automating it

Participate in a mini project that has success criteria

Explore what a mini project could be and have the success criteria be less strict. Like just write 5 sentences on the topic.

I like this one the most im gonna try it

Thats an idea for a mini project cuz playing Baba is You for a few mins doesnt take a lot effort. That and listing a thing I learned isnt so bad cuz I have new levels to play. New levels means new things to learn about the game.

I succeeded cuz I was able to come up with a sentence that has a small project in it.

I liked that you could brainstorm things that you’d like to do instead of just thinking of one thing and having to stick with it.

I dont have to do the Baba project. I could brainstorm more mini project ideas but the Baba project sounds fun. I wanna do it

Im gonna do this mini project, but imma change the last clause to share a thought about the practice.

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