Typos Megathread

“John throws.” and “John threw.” are valid, complete sentence too, but they’re somewhat confusing with no context because we don’t know what was thrown, why or how.

Should be: “…complete sentences too…”

Ideas Should Be Judged as Refuted or Non-Refuted

They’re the better than indecisive arguments.

Should be: “They’re better than…” (without “the”).

I may have found some small typos in the article:

The goals are to better enable you find and correct your mistakes and to better enable other people to help you.

I think there’s a to missing between you and find.

In other words, Paths Forward says how to spend all your time answering stupid questions from anyone wants to waste your time.

I think there’s a who or that missing between anyone and wants.

I’m not good enough at grammar to explain exactly what I think is wrong with those sentences. My new short-term plan is to cycle between grammar and learning more about Paths Forward.

In this post: Investigating Unstable Intuitions

To Make Unbounded Progress, Do Similar Activities to Past Successes

My emphasis added on what I believe to be typos:

So break it into smaller chunks to separate the judgments, so each chunk can focus one reaching success at one type of judgment.

In your CF article: Arguing Without Discussing Opposing Arguments

You write:

I’ve discuss scoring systems for Critical Fallibilism.

“discuss” is a typo. It should be ‘discussed’.

In your CF Article: Philosophy as a Secondary Skill

Not pursuing philosophy at all is dangerous because our cultural has lots of irrationalities and errors which a total non-philosopher wouldn’t have enough defense against.

‘cultural’ is a typo and should be ‘culture’.

From A Succession of Practice Activities:

New readers improve when they read, but experience readers often stop improving just from reading more books without trying to practice.



Saying everything is relevant when it’s only slightly relevant reminds me of the people who claims they’re interested in basically everything, including dozens of things they’ll never do, because they consider their interest level to be above zero.

I think it should be people who claim, not “people who claims”.

2nd edit:

You should also keep exploring – trying to variety of things to find more that you’re already good at.

I think it should be trying a variety of things.

you say (bold mine)

The something new was not in the idea. If you add something to an idea, or make any other changes, now you have a variant idea, which is a new idea that should receive it’s own evaluation.

same article

You mean find that all ideas with property X fail at all goals with property Y.

I think “mean” should be “may.”

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But most people, for most issues, find it to get their subconscious to learn very well just from thinking about something.

I believe there is a missing word or words here. I am interpreting it as meaning this:

‘But most people, for most issues, find it [hard] to get their subconscious to learn very well just from thinking about something.’

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In Conscious and Subconscious Ideas.

As long as you don’t know details like that explicitly yourself – when your conscious hasn’t really figured them out – then it’s hard to train your subconscious to do what you want.

I believe the word ‘mind’ is missing after “conscious”.