World of Warcraft

idk how good arena gear is compared to other gear, but that seems like a pretty slow rate of getting gear.

huh that seems like a kind of weird situation. like: play vs ppl who have good gear while you have bad gear, so you can eventually get their good gear.

arena gear is good in arena. they made a stat that’s primarily meant for pvp (resilience) and put it on pvp gear, to make pvp gear better in pvp and pve gear better in pve in general.

first thing i see googling it:

Resilience was a pvp only stat first introduced in TBC and is widely considered one of the worst choices blizzard ever made. It created a barrier to entry in PVP and throughout its history has always been either overpowered or useless.

the issue is your regular gear from questing and pve will have zero or low resilence, and then if you wanna pvp you need a separate gear set with resilience or you’re too squishy.

i just looked it up. you keep getting claw ranks. there’s one at level 67. the reason is that mangle is a 41 talent in feral. you would use claw if you didn’t have the mangle talent.

you asked one question which i dont think i know the answer to:

so it’s just like frost armor vs. ice armor, ya?

a question i dont know the answer to:

you just stop getting new ranks of claw and start getting mangle instead at higher level?

and im not sure if you know that mangle is a talent point ability, or if that even matters if you know or not.

in the past i think i tried to respond to messages like the one you sent, and i think i made mistakes when i replied to them, and you noticed and mentioned the mistakes. so when i thought about responding to your message, it definitely seemed like a message where i would make mistakes in my response, and you would notice and then comment on the mistakes.

all you have to do to answer that is look up what ranks exist at what levels. do you know how to do that?

no. i tried checking wowhead but i was confused how the website works.

Druid Abilities - TBC Classic search claw or mangle and sort by level.

i binged “tbc druid abilities” to get to that page

i forgot to say, re having two chars on horde: in long run i dunno how much i could play an alt in arenas. probably have to focus on only gearing one char.

i got stuck trying to respond to this message. i dont want to respond to it anymore it seems to hard.

i guess i have learned that i can lookup “tbc [CLASS] abilities” and then it will show that classes abilities which i can then search thru

another issue with alliance and pvp servers is even if there are more alliance on the server, alliance players tend to pvp less, and horde ppl are more likely to go pick on lower level characters in world pvp for honor b/c BG queues take too long for them.

have you figured out much about what classes you like in WoW or what you think of its pvp? also do u care that much about BG queue times? would you like it much if they were like under a minute?

the general reputation is ppl who wanna pvp tend to go horde, plus horde is more popular (partly cuz blood elves are the mostly popular race due primarily to aesthetics, but also horde has the reputation as the pvp faction due to having good racials especially will of the forsaken) and a bunch of private servers had major BG queue time issues, and alliance is more pve oriented and has some tryhard premades in pvp and a lot of really bad/casual players who don’t pvp much, and the more medium pvp players are mostly horde. plus a lot of the top pvp players are horde for the racials (a lot of the top players who try to play tournaments and stuff have chars in both factions).

grobbulus is the highest ally pop US west pvp server. 58% ally favored.

there are multiple really broken servers that blizz didn’t fix even when TBC came out like skeram, stalagg, incedius, Kirtonos, felstriker. those are just the nearly 100/0 ones. anything worse than 60/40 is kinda bad i think. 60/40 means there are 50% more players of once race than another. so it’s a 3 to 2 outnumbering in world pvp on average, everything else being equal. so even that is pretty seriously skewed.

these population numbers are from an addon and aren’t perfect but i think they’re a decent approximation.

the server we’re on, smolderweb, is 67% horde, which is worse than it was when we chose it in classic. was more like 55% horde back then IIRC.

i dont think so. i think i am bad at finding out what i like about games or things in the games.

if i main mage, the best options to play 2v2 arena with are priest, druid or rogue. double mage possible and fun for some pve stuff, and OK in BGs, but i think it’s pretty bad in arena because of how you overlap with the same abilities.

i think rogues are more gear dependent than casters. and i think rogues are the worst to level with. ppl like them in pvp though. they have some cool pvp stuff with all their CC, stealth and burst.

getting dungeon groups with double dps is a problem. tanks seem to be in demand the most and healers can be a problem too. a lot of ppl say if they had dual spec they’d tank or heal dungeons, but they don’t wanna pay to respec to do it.

idk what i think of WoWs PVP. i dont think i am very familiar with its PVP. i dont think ive tried to become familiar with its PVP.

how did you like mage in classic in pve and in pvp?

did u like playing WoW?

playing ZF was cool, and doing mob AoE pulls was nice. i never learned another pull like ZG or mara tho.

i think i liked PVP, i think i got a bit better at it, but then i think i didnt get much better at it at a point. i dont think i had a good idea of how to get better at it, or what playing well looked like.