Meta Discussion Analysis and Practice[AM and Dface]

Continuing the discussion from Atlas Shrugged Reading and Practice[Dface]:

In this thread, @ActiveMind and I are going to analyze, practice, and discuss the meta-discussion from our previous conversation(start of convo here).

I’m gonna try going over certain quotes and see if I can say yes, no, or idk that something counts as meta discussion:

Quote #1:

The quote by me: idk. It sounds meta, like the quote is a conversation that is not a grammar tree itself, but is talking about the tree. I think maybe learning what meta means may help.

Quote #2(my bolds are the part I’m going to refer to):

I don’t know. The bolded part just sounds like me not remembering if the author referred to another character as “Rearden” besdies Hank Rearden. I don’t see if it’s meta-discussion or not.

Is this meta? I’m talking about a mistake I supposedly made. A mistake I made in discussion. But it too loose of a connection to the discussion to be called meta? I’m not sure. I think talking about the truth of a statement isn’t meta.

“What I wrote” can be sign it’s meta discussion. This one is hard. It could be still on the subject on whether it was a mistake or not, but it’s also talking about readers in the subordinate clause.
Does talking about the experience of readers count as meta? I think yes, because readers includes the other discussion partner, so it’s talking about how he reads my comment.

I think this is meta because it’s talking about how to write in discussions. You could say it’s talking about writing for an audience in general, but it was written to apply to this discussion. It’s talking about discussion methodology: how precise should we be in discussion?

I want to partly take that statement back. I think it’s okay to rely on implications based on common knowledge in order to write quicker.

Is talking about my thought at a particular part of the discussion meta? I would say yes.

Thinking about it:
Strictly, meta discussion is discussion about discussion. But you might categorize discussion about the participant psychology also as meta. It’s not about a topic that’s independent of the participants.

What I wrote above isn’t entirely accurate. If we were to discuss my psychology in general, or relating to another topic like playing sports, then that would not be meta. That’s talking about a topic dependent on one of the participants but it doesn’t relate to the discussion itself.

So the psychology of a discussion participant about what he wrote is meta because it’s connected to the discussion.

Meta. Saying “on the subject we’re on right now” is talking about the subject of the discussion.

Talking about my confusion of the discussion is meta. Talking about spelling/grammar mistakes in the discussion is meta.

(I should’ve put quotation marks around “previous statement”.)

I think asking about what some part of the text refers to is meta (although I’m a bit more uncertain.) It’s different from asking what some terminology means, like:

What’s the meaning of “analytic proposition”?

I think asking to clarify the discussion is meta and different from asking to clarify some terminology. Asking to clarify terminology seems more like staying on the topic.

Talking about thoughts at different parts of the discussion is meta.

This is definitely meta. It’s talking about which parts of the discussion were meta or not.

This discusses how Dface is not sure about discussing, so that’s meta.

Talking about how Dface has trouble with specific part of discussion. Meta.

Asking to clarify discussion.

Talking about what I thought at differents parts of discussion again.

Definitely meta. It’s talking about what I’m talking about.

Meta. It’s talking about the importance of current discussion and what to do next in the discussion.

This is talking about discussion methodology. Meta.

Then we discuss what to discuss/practice next so that’s meta.

I think it’s not meta. It’s talking about your experience reading AS, not something about this discussion itself.

Thoughts about what meta discussion is.

If I started a topic on discussion methodology would that be meta? It would fit the definition of “discussion about discussion.” So I would say yes. It’s also meta when I start talking about the discussion I’m having. Those are two different kinds of meta discussion and both fit the definition of “discussion about discussion.”

When you started out discussing discussion methodology you were already doing meta discussion. But if you start discussing how that discussion is going then you go into another meta level. That meta discussion is going off-topic. Going back to the original topic would still be meta discussion, but it’s also on-topic.

Here’s a tree about what counts as meta discussion:

It’s not complete, but I think I got the main categories.

If meta discussion is discussion about discussion then that means there is still a discussion going on and there is still a subject. Maybe if I work on identifying the subject in each quote it will help to know if a quote counts as meta discussion.

Quote #1:

Im talking about a previous statement that I meant to refer to. Hmm me talking about something from the discussion sounds like meta discussion.

Quote #2:

Im talking about a correction in my grammar/spelling. The mistake made is part of the discussion where I think it already is a meta discussion. Here(the bold is the spelling/grammar mistake):

Quote #3:

The subject is whether something from the grammar discussion counts as meta discussion or not. Something from the discussion is being discussed. That literally sounds like meta discussion.

Quote #4

I’m talking about how I don’t know if more parts of the discussion are actually meta discussion. That again sounds like discussing about the discussion.

Im gonna try what I did in this reply for earlier parts of the discussion.

(I think you should’ve included my quote that you responded to, otherwise I couldn’t see that this was meta.)
You got the subject right. And I would say that is meta because it discusses the nature of the discussion, the category of discussion. Was the discussion meta or not? That’s a meta discussion question.

I think this reason is wrong or is problematic wording:

Because that could mean that the discussion was about X and Y, and now we started discussion Y. Y was from the discussion, but it isn’t necessarily meta discussion. If you changed “from” to “about” then that would make sense as a reason for being meta.

Yeah, I think now I shouldve included your quote. Looks like information is missing without it.

Oh ok I see what youre saying and I agree

I think I see. "About "sounds correct to me intuitively cuz the discussion sounds like it’s already done and now we’re meta discussing it.

Or put on pause.

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